Delaware Liberal

Huckabee Sanders Gives a Glimpse of Kathy McGuiness Governorship

With hindsight, it is funny to think that McGuiness once considered herself someone with a real shot at being Governor of the State of Delaware. What would that have even looked like? Arkansas gives us a bit of a glimpse.

Sarah Sanders asks state board applicants to name what they admire about her most while applying for job

Looking to serve your state in some official capacity? First, kiss the ring,” wrote Austin Bailey. “The application form you must fill out to be considered for a post on state boards and commissions includes this question: ‘What is an accomplishment of the Governor’s that you admire the most?'”

As Bailey noted, this portion of the questionnaire allows a full 500 words — which is twice the length of the question, “What book have you read that would best define your life and why?”

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