Just Like That, It’s Over

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 18, 2023

There will be no Fox-Dominion trial.  The parties have settled:

Fox News has agreed to settle the billion-dollar defamation lawsuit filed against the network over its broadcast of lies aimed at undercutting public confidence in the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

The network and Dominion Voting Systems agreed to an undisclosed settlement Tuesday, just as attorneys were set to outline their case to jurors ahead of trial testimony in what has been the most closely watched media trial in decades.

Wonder if we’ll ever find out the terms of the settlement.  Gotta think that Fox thought they were losing, and they might as well keep some of the evidence from the public eye.


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  1. Washington Post reports that Fox will pay out $787.5 mill to Dominion.

  2. From one of Dominion’s attorneys, reported by the NYTimes:

    “One of Dominion’s lawyers, Stephen Shackelford, said the settlement with Fox isn’t the end of the efforts to push back against disinformation about the company: “We’re not done yet. We have some other people who have some accountability coming toward them.”

    • RE Vanella says:

      Chancery Court case ⤴️

      Schwartz v Fox for fiduciary. Discussed on our show with Chancery Daily.

      Recording an update tomorrow.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Circus Interruptus

  4. Andrew C says:

    Damn. Cowards.

  5. Andrew C says:

    Timothy Burke
    Fox News lies nearly led to our government being overthrown and it’s apparently only five times as bad as Gawker publishing Hulk Hogan’s sex tape

  6. jason330 says:

    Well, this sucks. No real accountability for Fox News and no 6 week long Highlands Bunker Opus Maximus.

  7. jason330 says:

    Andrew C – want to do a weekly Twitter update? I can’t bring myself to pay attention to it.

  8. Hey, Smartmatic, another voting tech company, is suing Fox for $2.7 bill.

    No trial date yet.

    Dominion is also suing the My Pillow guy–who is also Fox’s largest advertiser.

    Me? I’m not tired of winning yet–not even close.

  9. bamboozer says:

    Seems others have gotten the bitch and moan part of the trial up in lights, I see it as step one, and many more to follow. The Smartmatic cavalry is on the way, bearing another suit at an eye popping 2.5 billion, no doubt Fox will make endless attempts to have the suit thrown out while back stage negotiations are under way for another settlement. We did not get the much hoped for apology from the Fox talking heads, but wee did make them realize that perhaps they are next.

  10. Jason330 says:

    Thinking about this more and really regretting that we will not see Sean Hannity’s Pimento Loaf Head on the stand making matters WAY worse for Fox News with every word.

  11. mediawatch says:

    Time to bet whether Smartmatic case will go to trial.
    Since it’s filed in New York, my prediction is yes.
    Secret reason: Fox lawyers believe hotels and dining in the Big Apple are better than on Market Street and the Riverfront.