Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday April 19 2023

What happens when you get a bunch of old dumbfucks all juiced up on fear and racism, then shove guns in their hands?  America happens.  

Shoot first….for FREEDOM!

Amid a nationwide rise in homicides, a new study has found that “stand your ground” laws – which allow people to respond to threats with potentially lethal force without fear of criminal prosecution – are linked to increased homicide rates, amounting to hundreds of additional deaths per year.

States saw an average increase of 8-10% in monthly homicides between 1999 and 2017 after the enactment of such laws, according to the study published Monday in JAMA Network Open, a peer-reviewed journal.

“Stand your ground” laws garnered national attention in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death in 2012. George Zimmerman shot Martin but was acquitted on second-degree murder charges in part because he claimed self-defense under Florida’s law. Saturday marks 10 years since Martin’s death.

“There is consistent evidence that the laws are potentially hazardous,” said David Humphreys, an associate professor at University of Oxford who co-authored the study. “Part of the justification of these laws is that they can be useful in helping people protect themselves and improving public safety more generally, and we just don’t see any evidence of that.”

Somehow Carney’s ultra-secret campaign to bribe companies to come to Delaware failed to snag the Amazon HQ.   We really dodged a bullet on that one. 

When trying to lure Amazon to Virginia, the state offered the tech giant financial incentives to choose the Commonwealth for its HQ2. Now, four years later, Amazon is requesting its first payment.

Amazon formally requested the first installment of the $750 million in economic incentives offered by Virginia, asking for $152 million dollars of it by the close of 2026.

So… Is Sean Hannity being forced to walk the length of Broadway in the nude while people throw garbage at him and yell “Shame!” part of the settlement?    No?  That sucks.  What about a sincere apology?  What would a sincerely contrite statement from Fox News sound like?  I asked ChatGPT that question.  

A Sincerely contrite statement from Fox News

“Fox News deeply regrets having reported on baseless allegations that Dominion voting systems were involved in stealing the 2020 presidential election from former President Donald Trump. We recognize that our reporting and commentary on this issue has contributed to the spread of misinformation and undermined faith in the democratic process.

We acknowledge that Dominion voting systems are a reliable and secure means of conducting elections and that the allegations made against them have been thoroughly debunked. We apologize for any harm caused by our reporting on this issue and pledge to do better in our reporting going forward.

Fox News is committed to upholding the highest standards of journalism and reporting the facts accurately and impartially. We understand that our audience expects and deserves nothing less from us, and we will work to regain their trust and confidence.”

– Via ChatGPT

What you can do…

Dominion, Fox, and Us

Today on TAP: Despite today’s settlement, Americans of goodwill should still pressure cable TV to drop Fox News, and pressure the feds to deport Rupert Murdoch.

Lachlan Murdoch, the top dog at Fox News, is an Australian citizen who’s here on some kind of green-card arrangement. Australian native Rupert, who is the pit bull atop Lachlan, wrangled an American citizenship in the mid-1980s as he was first attempting to buy some U.S. television stations. At the time, the law required that a noncitizen of the United States could own no more than 20 percent of a TV station.

America has deported resident aliens and immigrant citizens for far less than the damage that the Murdochs have brought down upon the United States. Indeed, it’s hard to think of any other immigrant to this country who’s done even remotely as much as Rupert to tear his adopted nation apart. (Among the native-born, you almost have to go back to Jefferson Davis to find someone who sundered the union on so massive a scale.)

So in addition to pressuring the cable companies to dump Fox News, we should also consider strategically located demonstrations demanding at least Rupert’s deportation, in the process also affirming our support for democracy and factually based reporting, and providing wholesome outdoor fun for Americans of all ages.


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