April is Membership Drive Month at DL – So Join The Working Families Party

Filed in National by on April 25, 2023

All month we’ve been asking you, dear reader/commenter, to join DL and become a member by joining and/or donating to the Working Families Party or any of the other fine organizations you see in the poll.

The WFP is worth a little more consideration.  They’ve had amazing success in Delaware shifting the debate to the left, but we have to keep the heat turned up.

Here’s how The Atlantic magazine described the WFP in 2016: 

The Working Families Party’s agenda—frankly redistributionist and devoted to social equality—targets a class of Democratic elected officials who, in the view of many liberals, seem to listen more to their moneyed donors than to the left-wing rank and file. Aggressive, tactical, and dedicated to winning, the WFP would like to force Democrats—and the country—to become more liberal by mobilizing the party base, changing the terms of the debate, and taking out centrist incumbents in primaries.

That’s exactly what is happening in Delaware.   Be a part of the movement.  Join the Delaware  Working Families Party  today.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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