Murray defeat of Brady reveals north/south split in DEGOP – And not the split you expect

Filed in National by on April 30, 2023

There is a North/South split in the GOP.  It is, as you might expect,  along the lines of MAGA vs people who have a dim memory of when the GOP could win an election in Delaware. But it is not crazies in the south, “sane” Republicans in the north.

The convention counted 338 delegates: 49 from Northern New Castle, 58 from Western New Castle, 51 from Colonial New Castle, 73 from Kent County, and 107 from Sussex County. Murray got 182 votes to Brady’s 155. Her biggest strength was in Colonial, in eastern New Castle County, where she got 44 votes to Brady’s four.

Among people active enough to take part in party politics, the Murray defeat of Brady has flipped the old conventional wisdom on its head.   The newbie MAGA nuts who have joined since Trump are in the North, and the old timers who have a vague memory of Mike Castle and Pete Dupont are hanging on in Sussex.

Also noteworthy from from Townsquare, what’s the issue that Murray thinks will engage voters?   What’s the new thinking Murray will use to turn around the DEGOP’s fortunes?

Guns, of course.

In terms of issues that may energize Republicans, Murray said gun rights are a good place to go. “I think that we have an opportunity there … because the down ballot races are very significant.”






About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Increased campaigning for guns will only increase voter revulsion at Republicans. Northern Delaware sees guns as a black-on-black inner-city problem and has mostly already adopted the Scott Adams solution to race relations.

    • RE Vanella says:

      No they haven’t lol

      • Jean says:

        I think the population shift to below the canal over the past 15-20 years says otherwise. The last WASP bastions in the city only exist because of aggressive policing.

  2. Jason330 says:

    It just occurred to me when posting this that the DEGOP’s approach to the gun violence epidemic exactly conforms to their simple minded view of all epidemics and pandemics.

    They think this is taking “the right people”. It is tough to ignore the elementary school children who are murdered, but they don’t fit the worldview, so maybe easier to ignore than we might think.

    • puck says:

      New Castle County is just one suburban mass shooting away from a surge in white voter demand for gun control.

  3. Andrew C says:

    I look forward to DL’s coverage of how the REAL GOP crazies are in Northern Delaware, and their apology video for defaming Sussex County for years.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Where’s Tucker Carlson speaking again?

  5. DEGOP TRUTH says:

    The truth about Murray vs Brady

    Many have been blinded by Julianne Murray and others in her camp who spread lies and vitriol about patriotic Republicans like Jane Brady.

    I’ve been involved in Delaware Republican politics for some time. Not as long as some, but longer than others. What happened yesterday is a shame. The chair who was just voted out, Jane Brady, was the best chair we’ve had in years.

    She was building the party organization, recruiting more candidates, raising more money, actually getting support from the RNC and national political organizations, and gave us the best statewide election results since 2014. She was attorney general of Delaware three times — someone who actually knows how to win elections. She constantly lambasts Biden in the press and has been using his incompetence to chisel away at the Democrat stranglehold on Delaware.

    The charges by Murray and others that Jane Brady is a RINO are complete lies. I say this as a vocal and active supporter of President Trump. Brady defended President Trump every step of the way. She even used party resources to promote and help organize buses for the January 6th Stop the Steal protest rally against the illegitimate certification of 2020’s election fraud. Brady filed lawsuits, some successful, for election integrity which Murray then tagged herself onto and claimed credit for.,33729

    The new chair, Julianne Murray, is utterly jealous of Brady, because Brady is everything she is not — fearless, successful, professional. Murray is a two-time general election loser who has never lifted a finger to build the Republican party in Delaware. She was never involved in Republican committees before she came on the scene in 2020 and has never volunteered for or helped a single campaign besides her own.

    Murray touts how well she did in her 2022 attorney general campaign against an unpopular incumbent, yet she got the same percentage (46%) as the Republican candidates running for treasurer and auditor who only announced and campaigned ~four months before the election and had a fraction of the volunteers and resources she did. How exactly is a two-time election loser who can’t move the needle past the baseline qualified to lead our party into winning elections going forward? Exactly – she’s not.

    According to Delaware Campaign Finance reports, Murray has made exactly one donation to a political candidate other than herself. That donation was to a Democrat running against a Republican for a county seat in 2012. Search for yourself here:

    Murray filed a number of lawsuits in 2020 against lockdown restrictions and then failed to follow up with these suits, allowing them to be dismissed by her non-action instead of taking them all the way to court. She got the initial headlines but failed to follow through on her actions, getting a lot of people’s hopes up and then letting them down through her sheer laziness.

    The most Republican county in our state (Sussex) with the most convention delegates voted overwhelmingly for Jane Brady. Murray has been constantly on the radio down here trashing the Republican party and Jane Brady every chance she had. Meanwhile Brady maintained professionalism, never speaking negatively about Murray, in order to preserve unity in the DEGOP. It is telling that Brady won over Murray in the county where delegate seats are actually contested and competitive.

    Where did Murray win? She won in New Castle County, the Democrat stronghold where our party is very weak. Her backers recruited delegates in the RDs where there are usually very few delegates to convention, because there is little existing organization and involvement. So, because of population counts, uncontested delegates from the county that fails to elect Republicans have overruled dedicated, competitive delegates from the county that has 95%+ elected Republicans in local/state offices. Make senses, right?

    Jane Brady is not perfect, but she is far more qualified for the position than her replacement.

    This is a setback for Delaware Republicans and the America First movement. We replaced a genuinely qualified, professional, dedicated Republican with an egotistical, loudmouth, do-nothing politician (and her jerk husband) who has zero organizational experience as the head of our state party.

    • Andrew C says:

      Gee, ya had me until “against the illegitimate certification of 2020’s election fraud.”

      Stay in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

      • I have no problem with a (presumed) R airing grievances about the disarray in the Rethuglican Party. I consider it a public service.

    • bane says:

      “Brady defended President Trump every step of the way. She even used party resources to promote and help organize buses for the January 6th Stop the Steal protest rally against the illegitimate certification of 2020’s election fraud. Brady filed lawsuits, some successful, for election integrity which Murray then tagged herself onto and claimed credit for”

      This as a selling point, shows just how far apart the political parties are.

    • mediawatch says:

      In other words, Jane is almost as nutty as Julianne, but not quite.

  6. jason330 says:

    It makes perfect sense to me that the newbie MAGA nuts who have joined since Trump are in the North. What’s the point of being a registered Republicans in NCC if not to be a Trumper? Whereas Republicans in Suxco have a range of offices to vote for.

  7. puck says:

    This must really come as a relief to Brady.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Maybe the best part of Brady’s defeat is all the abject groveling at the feet of the MAGA mob ultimately counted for squadoosh.