Hey John Carney, Stop the Lies

Filed in National by on May 2, 2023

RISE is fighting hard.  I hope they expand their field of vision to fight for future in addition to current retirees, but that is nit picking.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I’ve heard some numbers thrown around for how much they have raised. I think it’s earmarked for legal fees, but if they turned that into political spending, there would be quite a few legislators that could get outspent 4:1 without RISE breaking a sweat.

  2. jason330 says:

    Isn’t the fact that they’ve walled off Leg Hall, and presented everything as a done deal part of deviousness of this heist?

  3. bamboozer says:

    I have to say out of all the high handed games I’ve seen come out of Dover the regal command to screw over the retirees benefits may well take the cake. Admit I hate “Medicare Advantage” with a vile passion, the hyper rich men who are pushing it as well. Power toe the people, in this case RISE, and if it scares the entrenched political garbage in Dover so much the better.

  4. puck says:

    On May 9 make sure you vote in your school board election before heading to Dover for the RISE rally.

  5. The reason why Carney is the worst governor in my memory is because he treats people like entries in a ledger. He has never demonstrated a shred of humanity towards–humans. He’s surrounded himself with people like him, most notably Claire DeMatteis, who have exhibited no empathy whatsoever.

    That lack of empathy defines what Carney seeks in a ‘team player’.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I agree. I wonder if we’ll get any candidates for governor to stand publically and say I won’t privatize pensioners health care?

  6. Elisa Diller says:

    Thanks for the publicity for the rally!

    RISE Delaware is not a PAC and is unable to donate money to political races. It takes everything we’ve got to make people aware of what is happening and to raise funds to pay the legal expenses. And our legal fees are ongoing.

    That being said, those of us who have been part of RISE from our early efforts last summer are looking at how we are being supported by those candidates with aspirations for state-wide office and General Assembly positions and are planning our donations as individuals accordingly.

    We have tried to reach out to current employees to let them know that their benefits are on the line. I’ll refer you to Connie Merlet’s and my op-ed in the Bay to Bay opinion section from February. We realized that retirees were the canaries in the coal mine and that they could dump us into Medicare Advantage without a fight, that benefits for current employees were next on the chopping block.

    Think of us as the line in the sand critical to saving halfway decent benefits for current and future employees. We know what is at stake.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Are we a “blue state” that sells out state pensioners to corporate interests? Is Cerron Cade pulling a Ronald Reagan? Are we “polarized” or simply alienated from material politics?

    Will Matt Meyer or LTG BHL stand with state retirees or no?

  8. Gary Myers says:

    By the statute that set it up, the Retiree Healthcare Benefits Advisory Subcommittee was directed to file a report with the Gov. and General Assembly about its views on the Medicare Advantage changeover pushed by the Administration. Did the Subcommittee file that report? Or did the people involved ignore the statutory deadline in favor of a later submission (after the GA has ended its current Dover session) now that the Advantage changeover has been pushed back until 2024?

  9. Hawkeye says:

    The lack of news coverage on this issue has been unbelievable. With the meetings online you would think the News Journal or the Delaware State News would assign a reporter to cover them. At one time an issue affecting 39,000 retired employees would have garnered some attention.