DL Open Thread Wednesday May 3 2023

Filed in National by on May 3, 2023

An Open Letter to Bethany Hall-Long

Dear Bethany,

I am writing to you today as a concerned citizen who believes in the importance of protecting the healthcare benefits of retirees. As you know, there is an ongoing controversy regarding the future of retiree health insurance, specifically the adoption of “Medicare Advantage”  which is not
Medicare, but an expensive, low-quality, privatized, fraudulently named, inferior product.

I wanted to reach out to you personally and ask if you would be willing to make a commitment to not privatize retiree health insurance if you are elected and become the 75th Governor of Delaware.  On May 9th at 1:00pm many retirees and advocates in our state who believe that privatizing Medicare would be a disservice will be rallying at Leg Hall.  Would you be willing to show your support for those who have earned and paid for their healthcare benefits?

As a candidate for office, I believe it is important for you to take a clear stance on this issue and let voters know where you stand. Will you commit to protecting the rights of retirees to have access to Original Medicare ? Will you stand up against Governor John Carney’s attempts to privatize Medicare and ensure that retirees have access to the healthcare benefits they have earned?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter and hope that you will join me in supporting the healthcare needs of our retirees.




An Open Letter to Matt Meyer


I know you just read all that.  What the fuck dude?  This is a layup.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. puck says:

    Forcing retirees onto Medicare Advantage is ultimately a way to avoid the upper-bracket tax increases that are the logical solution.

    I suppose there will be some kind of compromise that lets the rich off the hook and makes workers pay the cost themselves, like Family Leave did.

  2. Arthur says:

    Do elected officials get the same retirement benefits as state employees?

  3. Elisa Diller says:

    There are different pension benefit plans for various groups. But all retirees with medical benefits receive a Medicare supplemental plan which is called Medifill in Delaware. There are about 30,000 retirees included in this plan. This includes State of Delaware retirees, retired teachers, and retirees from UD. DSU and Del Tech. In addition, retirees of 80 other groups such as municipalities and fire departments that came into the State of Delaware health care plan years ago are included. Some retirees from these smaller groups don’t even know how they are being affected. RISE Delaware is trying to get people engaged but we have no way of getting lists of retirees from either the largest groups let alone the smaller groups to inform them.

  4. Jason330 says:

    FYI – No response from Bethany yet.

  5. ben says:

    i really wanted to like Matt Meyer. the fact he was NOT Tom Gordon really helped.
    but the dude just oozes a slimy aura.
    As governor, he’d be another Markell…. not Carney. With carney, we knew we were getting a centrist shitweasle.
    looks like i’ll be writing in my spouse again.