The Cook Report Casts Its Eyes On–Sarah McBride

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 3, 2023

While we’ve written about most of these scenarios here, the fact that a major national political news source reports this is damned exciting. Especially since everybody in Washington reads this.  It’s a piece looking at the at-large Congressional seat in Delaware:

DE-AL: Lisa Blunt Rochester (D) – Entire state
Solid Democrat. First elected in 2016, Blunt Rochester has Delaware’s sole House seat locked down. But Sen. Tom Carper, 76, continues to weigh retirement, and if he does depart next year, Blunt Rochester would immediately be the clear favorite to succeed him. That scenario — or one in which Blunt Rochester runs for the state’s open governorship — would make this seat a golden opportunity for an ambitious new Delaware Democrat to board the Acela to Washington.

State Democratic insiders consistently point to state Sen. Sarah McBride, 32, as a rising star with the inside track to succeed Blunt Rochester. First elected in 2020, McBride is the first openly transgender state senator in American history. A former national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign and campaign aide to former Gov. Jack Markell, McBride was a prime organizing force behind Delaware’s 2014 ban on gender identity discrimination. Last year, she was lead sponsor of a landmark family medical leave law signed by Gov. John Carney. If she runs and wins, McBride would become the first transgender person ever to serve in Congress.

That’s about all the fair use I can (try to) get away with.  But,  it’s great to know that we’re not the only ones thinking about it.  Hmmm, wonder what Sarah’s thinking.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I love it. And I’m glad it is not just us outsiders, but “State Democratic insiders consistently point to state Sen. Sarah McBride,”