Hope fades that Buckson will be normal as he jokes about Kenco/Suxco Secession

Filed in National by on May 4, 2023

Buckson claims his remarks were intended to be funny, but like nearly all conservative “humor”, it is lacking most of the elements that make things funny such as wit, cleverness, surprise, etc.

If you haven’t seen the video Calvin Sparks posted yesterday of state Senator Eric Buckson advocating southern Delaware secede from northern Delaware, check it out.
I responded to the freshman Republican’s post, and he assured me that it was “tongue-in-cheek,” and I suppose I should take him at his word. I still find it unnecessarily divisive and irresponsible, but OK.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. If Suxco secedes, how are they gonna pay for all their fucking cops?

    • Jean says:

      Speed traps

      • bamboozer says:

        Speed Traps: Believe that game was maxed out decades ago. On a lighter note the far right loves to talk about secession, until we say COOL! I’ll help you pack!

    • mediawatch says:

      Would it be bad if DSP decided to join the secession movement and become the SuxCoPD?

  2. Buckson effects this ‘aw-shucks’ manner, and I find him exceedingly annoying. Very pedantic, and talks a lot in the ‘I’m just an ‘ol country boy’ fashion.

    Having said that, he’d be a good R state chair, and could likely steer the party away from the steepest cliff.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    He has the DNA of the original Republican extremist and he would escort the faithful over the cliff with a friendly smile.

  4. Paul says:

    Buckson: the Marjory Taylor Green of “Kenco/Suxco”…

    • He’s not an MTG-type. He’s a lot smarter than that. Plus, he knocked off an MTG-type in the Primary. That gun-totin’ mama.

      Hey, I find him annoying, but there’s no point in misrepresenting him.

  5. Paul says:

    Eric Buckson had a good reputation here in Milford in his role as county councilman. No “nonsense”. I therefore was shocked when he revealed his state senator persona, which I find loathesome.

  6. Faithful Skeptic says:

    So where is the link to this gem?

    • Was there earlier. Here’s an excerpt from a story in Bay To Bay:

      “Sen. Eric Buckson, R-Camden, voiced his reasoning for not voting, stating, “The governor of this great state threw us under the bus.”

      In a Facebook video two days prior to the Senate’s consideration of the nominees, Sen. Buckson expressed his disappointment regarding the perceived upstate-downstate bias in Delaware.

      “Folks north of the canal right now, the one’s running this state, elected officials especially, but bureaucrats nonetheless, well, they seem to think they got it figured out. They seem to know better than you and I — us folks below the canal, slower Delaware — on how best to manage our lives,” Sen. Buckson said.

      In the video, the senator made a tongue-in-cheek joke about splitting Delaware into two separate states by dividing at the canal, drawing a large, mixed reaction from commenters.”

  7. Jason330 says:

    Golly, shucks I’m just a simple country boy whose father was Delaware’s Governor.

    And BTW, just what are the onerous policies being inflicted in Kent by the Libs of New Castle? Paid family leave? Less than instant access to machine guns? It’s like Nazi Germany all over again.

    • bamboozer says:

      Believe the gun worshipers and country boys are still here to heed the call of the “Gosh all fish hooks” politician, but also believe this time their days of power are over, or at best numbered. Here in scenic central Delaware houses are sprouting every where, and the same in (Curls Lip) Sussex. And they will be filled by Democrats for the most part, even if they are ex New Yorkers like me.

      • jason330 says:

        Great point. Ultimately Buckson’s gripe is with the Schell Brothers and Hovnanian Enterprises, and all those that continue to eat up farmland and replace it with neighborhoods not with New Castle.

        • Jason330 says:

          The greedy farmers and county council members rubber stamping the great paving over. They are the villains.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Ole Dave was Governor for 17 days. Best known for tanking one if the last honorable R’s Russ Peterson. Always loved seeing his winner’s circle pics with his trotters ar Harrington

  8. RE Vanella says:

    Buckson’s Alexander Stephens’ cornerstone routine is the cold open on today’s podcast.

  9. Al Catraz says:

    620,000 Americans dead, and this dumb redneck thinks it’s a joke?

  10. Jason330 says:

    Listen to the new highlands Bunker. Omg, this guys put on corn pone, HeeHaw accent is hilarious. Maybe that was the humorous part?

    • Jean says:

      “Corn face” is offensive to rednecks everywhere, especially when there are plenty of qualified actors of authentic white trash heritage

  11. jason330 says:


    Keep in mind his father was the Governor of Delaware, and also founded Dover Downs, so …

    • Buckson was the Governor of Delaware only in the sense that Dale Wolf was Governor of Delaware. Only had a few weeks in office while the General Assembly was out of session.

      From Wikipedia:

      “(Buckson) was appointed a judge in the Court of Common Pleas in 1955. A year later, he was elected lieutenant-governor, defeating Vernon Derrickson. He served one term from January 15, 1957, to December 30, 1960. Near the end of his term, in 1960, he sought the Republican Party nomination for governor, but lost it to John W. Rollins. However, he became governor when Governor J. Caleb Boggs resigned to start his first U.S. Senate term, and served the remaining 18 days of Boggs’ second term.

      • Jason330 says:

        Still. It is not as if Buckson was the hardscrabble coal miners daughter…er…son…he makes himself out to be.

        The literal divisiveness is appalling.

  12. Stewball says:

    Buckson is a jackass. The Democrats is Sean Lynn’s and Kerri Evelyn Harris’ districts that are in and around Dover would not support succession!