The Democratic Party is an absurd anachronism, run by absurd, doddering anachronisms

Filed in National by on May 9, 2023


It is sometimes said in defense of Dick Durbin’s maintenance of the blue slip rule that Republicans did not (completely) kill the rule when they were in charge of the Judiciary Committee. The very obvious answer is that Republicans had no reason to because Democrats frequently returned blue slips, a favor that needless to say is not being reciprocated:

The committee’s blue slip rule is not an official Senate rule. Instead, it’s a courtesy unique to the Judiciary Committee, where senators simply turn in a blue slip of paper signaling their support for giving a hearing to a judicial nominee from that senator’s state. If both of a nominee’s home-state senators turn in their blue slips, the nominee gets a hearing. If only one turns in a blue slip, or neither turns them in, the nominee doesn’t get a hearing.

Republicans haven’t been signing blue slips for many of Biden’s court picks, effectively tanking their nominations in the committee as Durbin continues to uphold the tradition. He doesn’t want to get rid of the courtesy ― at least, not yet ― so his response to the GOP’s obstruction has been to ask them to please turn in their blue slips repeatedly.

During a hearing last week, Durbin pointed out that Democratic senators had turned in 110 blue slips during the Trump administration. By contrast, Republicans have signed 17 blue slips so far in the Biden administration.

“I plead with my colleagues to make a good faith effort to sit down and see if they can reach an agreement with the White House on nominees,” he said to GOP senators.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. mediawatch says:

    Someone should give Durbin a pink slip.

  2. bamboozer says:

    “Myth is where old gods go to die”, the senate is where the sentimental favorites of the aforesaid doddering old fools goes to live one more time. It’s hard to imagine that both parties have not had enough of politicians pushing 90, perhaps even enough to pass a term limits bill.