Delaware Liberal

A Clockwork Trumpage

1. One thing last night made clear is that not only doesn’t “fact-checking in real time” work on Trump, it’s actually JUST WHAT HE WANTS. Allow me to explain…
2. When he says “The election was rigged” or “I did complete the wall,” gets corrected and then says the lie again, steamrolling over the journalist, it isn’t about which of these competing versions of reality will be judged factually accurate.
3. The conflict, and his bullying of the journalist, is the essence of the performance. It says “We will create our own reality. You have no power over us. And the more frustrated you get, the more we win.”
4. The journalist with their petty “facts” is essential to the spectacle. Getting fact-checked then bullying the journalist is WAY better than just repeating his lie on Truth Social for the zillionth time.
5. It shows him defeating his enemy, mocking them, pouring his contempt on them while his fans applaud and cheer. Without that foil there’s no drama. When it’s over he has proven his mastery over the people he and his fans loathe.
6. That doesn’t mean anyone outside of his base is at all persuaded. But for that base, it creates a visceral thrill no other Republican can touch.
Paul Waldman is an opinion writer for The Washington Post.
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