Delaware Liberal

DelawareLiberal Style Guide VOL 1

I’m starting a list of preferred uses.  Free free to add to the list with your favorites. 

Socialized Medicine:

Use “socialized medicine” in place of Medicare/medicaid.     Eg. I can’t wait until I qualify for socialized medicine.   My mother in law loves her socialized medicine.    The Governor wants to take away the socialized medicine that state pensioners paid into and were promised with a fraudulent, expensive,  substitute.    (see below)


Whenever using the name “trump” also try to use the word “disgusting” in the same sentence.   It sounds a little trite, but this really pushes the MAGATs buttons.   Polling confirms that they have strong reactions to disgust and disgusting.  Eg.  A disgusting blob, Trump slumped visibly in his chair.  & Even his ardent supporters view Trump as disgusting.


Medicare Advantage Is a Massive Scam

The program rips off both the taxpayer and its own enrollees.

If you’ve ever watched cable news, where the average viewer is in their late sixties, you’ve probably seen an advertisement for a Medicare Advantage plan. They usually star some washed-up celebrity whose career peaked right around when today’s retirees were young adults (think Jimmy Walker or Joe Namath). And they always make a lot of big promises about how great Medicare Advantage coverage is.

There’s just one problem: The sales pitch is an abject lie. Medicare Advantage is much worse than traditional Medicare for people on the program and costs a great deal more to boot. But unless the Biden administration changes course, private companies will soon devour the rest of the program.



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