Delaware Liberal

The fallacy of Debt Limit “Brinksmanship”

The media continues to cover the “debt ceiling / budget negotiations” as if there are two sides trying to win concessions for their side.  As if the Republicans are simply using the threat of financial disaster as bargaining leverage.

It’s all bullshit.  The GOP wants to destroy the world economy to own the libs and damage the Biden campaign.   There is no negotiated outcome that would be satisfying to them.  The people Chris Coons is so desperate to make friends with are psychos.

Some want to rebuild Whites Only Gilead America out of the rubble.  Some want to use the collapse to cover up their many crimes and/or sordid adulteries.   They want that girl who ignores them to notice them.  They want to spray the AK at mobs of rioters and open up the freeze-dried Chicken A la King they drunk bought two years ago.    Whatever their unique mental defect, they are End Times whackos who imagine themselves on the top of the heap after the flood sweeps away all the drag brunches and CRTs keeping them down.

Biden should mint the coin or declare the whole debt limit thing unconstitutional.   Do anything other than continue to play along with these sick games.



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