DL Open Thread Monday May 15 2023

Filed in National by on May 15, 2023

Remember the migrant caravan from 2018 that turned out to be nothing?  

Migrants crossing the border without documentation dropped on Friday, the first day after Title 42 was lifted, two U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials told NBC News.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection stopped just over 6,200 undocumented migrants on Friday compared with roughly 11,000 on Tuesday and Wednesday, and 10,000 on Thursday, the officials said.

I tried do a whole Monday open thread without mentioning Trump.  I didn’t try very hard, but in my defense, I feel like Trumpers in Des Moines baited me into it by not showing up for this rally. 

Reading this article is like walking through a looking glass into a strange world where things are supposed to be factual and accurate.   

Faculty Diverges on Researcher’s Alleged Misconduct

A University of Delaware associate professor of marine science says a faculty panel ruled in her favor after another committee found her guilty of research misconduct. She says the president is still planning to fire her.


So… companies can just say “Nah” nowadays?   

Airbag Company Opts Not to Recall 67 Million Inflators That Could Hurl Shrapnel

According to NHTSA, ARC Automotive’s airbag inflators have been linked to six injuries and one fatality in the U.S.


RIP Newspapers 




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Feel free to throw stuff but I still say the only way to deal with “the crises at the border” is to prosecute the companies that employ them. They are not refugees from anything other then poverty and no one wants to kill them, it’s yet another pathetic political farce. As for my beloved alma mater, a.k.a. the University of Delaware despite being stoned our my gourd most of the time (Still am, it’s my preferred mode of existence) it was hard not to get a whiff of the politics that are at work there from the off hand comments of the professors and TA’s. Academia is not what they pretend to be.

  2. puck says:

    Right now it seems like there are plenty of jobs, including lots of jobs that Americans allegedly “don’t want to do,” so it seems very easy to be welcoming to immigrants legal and illegal.

    But the current “tight” job market will inevitably come to an end – the sky is thick with economic black swans circling overheard. And when it does those undesirable jobs will suddenly become the paycheck of last resort for laid-off Americans, who will rightfully resent the competition and downward wage pressure from newly arrived immigrants who aren’t even supposed to be here.