Last Fortnight’s Poll Results & This Fortnight’s Poll

Filed in National by on May 15, 2023

It was supposed to run for a week, but I don’t think keeping it open for a fortnight changed the results much.  Rochester is the person most of us think is going to be the next Jr Senator from Delaware.  That makes sense.  She is next in line and there is a depressing predictability to these things working out as the powerbrokers intend them to work out.

This result bakes in our mutual belief that 76 year old Carper is going to run for and win once more.   He is old but seems to be healthy.  I guess I’ve circled back to my original prediction – Only FATHER TIME CAN dislodge Carper.

This week’s is a place holder.   Is a hotdog a sandwich?



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    He’s only 76 but when you see him you’d guess 86. He is living, breathing — for now — refutation of the idea that running will keep you young and healthy.

    Some active Delaware Democrats I had dinner with recently think LBR is doing a great job. They couldn’t name me any accomplishments, but they think she’s the bee’s knees.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Tom’s thinking surely goes something like this: Joe is older than me and he’s running, so I can too. Neither one is going to lose in Delaware.
    But the only thing standing in the way of Tom becoming Feinstein 2.0 is Chuck Grassley.

    • Biden shouldn’t be running either. He’s painted D’s into a corner–he won’t get any younger or more lucid. He’s had health problems. At his age, he’s more likely to have a Bill Roth moment than Roth was.

      Then what?

      Sure, if Trump is the opponent, he would likely win. But Trump is only a cheeseburger away from a coronary.

      How would Biden fare against someone like, say, Nikki Haley? Or anyone whose brain hasn’t fossilized?

      Biden running again circumscribes Democrats’ chances of winning. Any scenario that doesn’t include him running against Trump and/or that involves a health scare likely results in a Rethug Administration.

      • Alby says:

        “Biden running again circumscribes Democrats’ chances of winning.”

        This is predicated on the idea that Democrats would or could unite behind someone else. There is no indication of that happening.

        • That’s not my presupposition at all. I think a legit primary process would result in a candidate better able to galvanize the party than trying to generate enthusiasm to vote for Ol’ Joe.

          Biden only gives us a narrow range of variables for winning. Like running against Trump, and/or not falling down.

          • Alby says:

            IIRC, the last time the party was galvanized it was into opposing camps in 2016.

            There was little enthusiasm for or opposition to Biden in 2020 and he won.

            People will be voting against the Republicans, not for the Democrats. If they aren’t motivated to defeat Republo-Fascism that seeks to silence them forever, ain’t no promises of pie, in the sky or elsewhere, gonna bring them out.

  3. bamboozer says:

    I agree, Biden is on his way to a “Bill Roth Moment”, it’s coming and we all know it. I have no answer of what to do other then to go for it. The Alternative is Trump and the very possible end of democracy and America as we have known it. I suspect while enthusiasm for Biden may not be high that hatred of Trump and the people that follow him may well be enough to put him over the top.

    • Except–the alternative may not be Trump. May not be DeSantis either.

      In fact, just based on the law of averages and the randomness of it all–I’m saying it’s not gonna be Biden vs. Trump in 2024.

      • Alby says:

        Joe’s not looking very healthy. The most likely impediment to a rematch of two old men is a medical situation. On that basis alone that’s likely a smart bet, depending on the odds you get.

      • puck says:

        The only other president who defeated Nazis couldn’t walk at all.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Holy shit, did you see Feinstein being carted into the Senate? That’s elder abuse.

  5. Ready4Tabatha says:

    I’d like a poll on whether strawberry pretzel salad is a dessert or a side dish.

  6. Arthur says:

    As someone who has worked with the elderly population, once a person gets to their upper 70s-80 things can change in a heart beat. one slip and fall can have catastrophic consequences. A bad illness (flu) can be debilitating. the biggest issue is that politics does not like succession planning. the politicians prefer lifelong power and the stifling of the next generations growth. and given that the over 65 age group represents the smallest part of the population we shouldnt have a geriatric making decisions for the whole

    • bamboozer says:

      Sad agreement at age 67, we Boomers are doing a repeat of the W.W.II generation and staying too long in power, that there is no available recourse besides Biden is discouraging, and to some degree dangerous.