BREAKING: Guiliani Accused Of Selling Pardons From Trump For $2 Mill Apiece

Filed in Featured, National by on May 16, 2023

Along with some especially disgusting alleged sexual harassment.  I won’t post the details.  But you can click on the link.  As to the pardons:

A woman who said she worked for Rudy Giuliani during the last two years of the Trump administration alleged in a wide-ranging lawsuit that Giuliani, the former president’s personal attorney, discussed selling presidential pardons and detailed plans to overturn the 2020 election results.

Dunphy alleged in her suit that Giuliani talked about presidential pardons. She said Giuliani claimed to have “immunity” and told “her that he was selling pardons for $2 million, which he and President Trump would split.” The lawsuit did not suggest any pardons were sold.

Water ain’t gonna get less murky.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    The GOP is like the family member who has been so fucked up for so long everyone just expects them to punch out all the glass in the living windows and shit themselves. It is barely newsworthy.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The Republican’s goal is to heat up a long simmering cold civil war that they hope will porpel their rural voters to the polls, as noted their primary weapons are hatred. Racial hate, hatred of the LGBT community and of course we “Libs” (Formerly known as Yankees). Suspect demography, which much like Karma takes time, will add some sort of healing eventually. Admit in advance I won’t live to see it.