DL Open Thread Tuesday May 16 2023

Filed in National by on May 16, 2023

Unless you are a migratory bird or a mosquito, there is absolutely no reason to go to any of these so-called “beaches”. 

The best ‘secret’ beaches in Delaware: Broadkill, Pickering, Slaughter. Plan your visit.


I get all of my news from the comments section of this blog, and the Highlands Bunker Podcast.   Anyhoo….The last I heard Delaware’s Interim Weed Czar was REV. 

When will Delaware’s first ‘marijuana mart’ open? That’s for state weed czar to decide

Officials must follow a meticulous series of steps over the next 16 months before licenses can be issued to grow, make, test, and sell products.


Trump completely exonerated and exculpated from all past present and future crimes

I’m guessing that’s going to be the headline.  I’ve probably undershot the breathlessness.


Trying to copy the success of JEB!, chickenshit DeSantis still can’t confront Trump, but tiptoes timidly toward sort of mentioning Trump. 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    That is correct. Until a cannabis commissioner is nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the state senate, I will be Delaware interim Cannabis Czar.

    Please send all questions to highlandsbunker@gmail.com

    And I think we can all agree, I would be confirmed by the state senate.

    • mediawatch says:

      True, that you would gain confirmation.
      But nomination is altogether different matter. Far more likely that Carney nominates Pete Schwartzkopf for the post.

      • RE Vanella says:

        I would enjoying watching Pistol Pete get roasted like a hog on a spit in Senate confirmation hearings. Bill and I would go cover it probably.

        • Joe Connor says:

          sadly, he would be and could very well actually be confirmed. Re read or listen again to Karl’s piece or your podcast 🙁

          • RE Vanella says:

            He would be likely confirmed, I agree. But I think we could ensure that it’s a very painful, tedious and humiliating process for him. In fact, I promise to do everything I can to make that happen!

  2. Ben says:

    Delaware already has at least 3 retail weed delivery websites. It runs like DC. You buy a sticker for $XX and a friendly friend delivers it to your house. Then thanks you for your purchase with some bud.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Folks that own homes on the Bay in Broadkill would agree they really don’t want you or any non-property owners on their beach:)


    • Jason330 says:

      Gross. You’d have to be the world’s biggest fool to buy a house on that stinking mud flat.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Like everybody else I’ll continue to get weed from people with a “card”, I know a bunch and so do you. With suburbia at the gate I won’t do home grow now, but suspect it will be the next big battle in our now greedy weedy state government. Find it likely that Carney would try to steer Pistol Pete into the weed czar gig, suspect Carney will go out as the corporate tool he always was. As for the beach you can have it, I could give a damn. But Here’s My Question: Who has emerged as the big winner in legalization? Whose going make the big money and what are the connection to the politicians? Suspect the usual suspects are all at the feeding trough, raring to go.

  5. Will Biden cave on debt ceiling? After having said he wouldn’t?:



    The White House’s liberal allies are increasingly worried that negotiations with House Republicans over the budget risk rewarding the GOP for threatening the U.S. economy with default, even as Biden administration aides insist the talks have nothing to do with the looming debt ceiling deadline.

    Since last week, Biden aides have been in talks with staffers representing leaders in Congress about a deal to fund the federal government next year that would also raise the nation’s debt ceiling, which must be lifted by as soon as June 1 to avoid potential economic catastrophe. President Biden will host House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other top congressional leaders again on Tuesday for more discussions.

    The fresh talks follow months in which Biden and his top aides insisted that the White House would not entertain making any trade-offs to raise the debt limit, saying that would set a dangerous precedent that encourages GOP brinkmanship. And yet, to some critics, the administration appears to be doing exactly that — following unrelenting pressure from the business community and even some moderate Democratic voices to enter bipartisan talks after the House passed a spending and debt limit bill last month.

    • puck says:

      All options except an on-time clean debt increase will create a recession which Biden will be blamed for and will likely put Congress and the White House in Republican hands. McCarthy knows this.

      • No. Rethugs will be blamed for holding the country hostage and taking away popular programs. If Biden has neither the stature nor the stamina to make that case, he should retire at the end of his term.

        • mediawatch says:

          Except he won’t.
          If he were to say “I’m tired of dealing with these assholes, let somebody else do it,” which would be perfectly understandable, the assholes would be running the show for the next year and a half. And God (if there is one) only knows how calamitous that might be.
          So that’s why he can’t, and that’s why we’re stuck with the Joe and Kamala Show, such as it is.