Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday May 16 2023

Unless you are a migratory bird or a mosquito, there is absolutely no reason to go to any of these so-called “beaches”. 

The best ‘secret’ beaches in Delaware: Broadkill, Pickering, Slaughter. Plan your visit.


I get all of my news from the comments section of this blog, and the Highlands Bunker Podcast.   Anyhoo….The last I heard Delaware’s Interim Weed Czar was REV. 

When will Delaware’s first ‘marijuana mart’ open? That’s for state weed czar to decide

Officials must follow a meticulous series of steps over the next 16 months before licenses can be issued to grow, make, test, and sell products.


Trump completely exonerated and exculpated from all past present and future crimes

I’m guessing that’s going to be the headline.  I’ve probably undershot the breathlessness.


Trying to copy the success of JEB!, chickenshit DeSantis still can’t confront Trump, but tiptoes timidly toward sort of mentioning Trump. 

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