Yay Capitalism!

Filed in National by on May 18, 2023

Millions of Americans in the past few years have run into this experience: filing a health-care insurance claim that once might have been paid immediately but instead is just as quickly denied. If the experience and the insurer’s explanation often seem arbitrary and absurd, that might be because companies appear increasingly likely to employ computer algorithms or people with little relevant experience to issue rapid-fire denials of claims …

  • An insurer’s letter was sent directly to a newborn child denying coverage for his fourth day in a neonatal intensive-care unit. “You are drinking from a bottle,” the denial notification said, and “you are breathing on your own.” If only the baby could read.


I’m starting to think that for profit health insurance companies are over emphasizing the “for profit”  part at the detriment of the “health insurance” part.    

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I encountered the wonderful world of for profit medical when they still had the nerve to call it “The greatest medical system in the world”. (Hey You! Stop laughing!). After relentless ridicule they stopped that, but costs still escalated rapidly. We are long in the era of “we can’t afford to be sick” and 50 years of ridicule by the nations with universal healthcare, who for some reason live longer and are healthier. Greed drives everything in America, even if it kills you. Sorry medical, we can’t afford you. Hope to live to see the collapse of American Medical, half a million medical related bankruptcies per year suggest we are getting close.

  2. Jason330 says:

    You’d think that the major beneficiaries of capitalism would have a vested interest in keeping up the sham that it is a good system.

    But, no. Not so much. Maintaining the illusion isn’t a big concern at all.

    • bamboozer says:

      There is a limit, and incessant ridicule certainly does have it’s place. But as noted much like Republican tax cuts for the rich (those that actually do pay taxes) it just goes on and on and to hell with the real world. Karma awaits for them, and in turn us as well.