Song of the Day 5/19: The Who, “Bargain”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 19, 2023

Seems Dodderin’ Joe Biden is doing it wrong again. After saying he wouldn’t negotiate on raising the debt ceiling — itself a negotiating stance — he’s now negotiating on raising the debt ceiling. This has unleashed a tsunami of punditry by giving them something besides Trump and gun massacres to talk about.

Pete Townshend called “Bargain” his favorite cut on his band’s best album, 1971’s “Who’s Next.” Though the object of his desire isn’t named in the song, Townshend said it’s about his quest for oneness with God, who’s said to strike a hard bargain.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Great album from an era of great cohesive albums. I was vaguely aware of a few of the songs but didn’t hear the whole thing in one sitting until 1982. I sorta remember asking someone why it was so good and they replied – Pete Townsend needed heroin money.

    • Alby says:

      Also, it was intended to be a double album and got whittled down to just the best songs, though a few of the leftovers were pretty good, too.