Delaware Liberal

Anyone who thinks sober centrist dipshits can’t move any further to the right – just wait ten minutes

Anything that drags the GOP further to the right also moves our dipshit centrist Dems to the right.  The holy & pristine “middle” exists and by god, they will find it.

PAC to draft Tucker Carlson for president launches

A political action committee to get former Fox News host Tucker Carlson to run for president is making its launch with an ad that praises him for mocking “woke nonsense” — and is aiming to pull the GOP presidential field to the right.

The Draft Tucker PAC, a hybrid PAC that filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in late April shortly after Carlson was ousted from Fox News, debuted an ad on Thursday evening that is set for an initial weeklong ad on the conservative Newsmax cable channel next week.

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