DL Open Thread Monday May 22 2023

Filed in National by on May 22, 2023

The Greatest…I mean Greediest Generation

Perennially offered the short end of the stick, the pandemic turned out to be a double-edged sword for millennials. While some moved home, many were able to save up and come out of COVID-19 twice as wealthy as they were before it. This coincided with the generation reaching peak homebuying age, and the second year of the pandemic saw the beginning of a baby boom, as nearly half of the generation caught the fever of the age-old American ambition to move to the suburbs. But millennials might as well cue the sad Charlie Brown music and slink away when they look at the current state of the housing market. Massive student loans, the Great Recession, and a cost of living that outpaces their salaries, all keep this generation unable to build wealth like their parents and grandparents. And to top it off, one of the country’s leading housing-focused economists, herself a millennial, has crunched the numbers and found the ugly truth: That millennials’ parents, the boomers who seemed to get all the economic breaks of the last 50 years, are stealing all the starter homes and making them retirement homes instead.


The fictional Roman Roy went to a boarding school called St Andrews.  The one in Middletown, DE?

St Andrews Boca Raton – Boarding Students

Upper School Resident Life – High School Grades 9-12

St Andrews Middletown DE – Boarding Only

Upper School Resident Life – High School Grades 9-12

According to his bio he was born in 1987 so he was the class of 2004 or 2005.


So….The White House has decided to start doing some messaging on that default thingy.

Does Biden’s staff hate him and want him to fail?




About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Biden should have been calling it a “MAGA default” months ago. But I think his instinct is not to attack a negotiating partner. McCarthy has already been calling it a “Biden default.”

    Publishing well-thought out charts and plans is a losing strategy, as Liz Warren can verify.

    • His instinct is informed by the collegiality of his Senatorial years.

      Said collegiality is extinct. Something this President fails time and time again to recognize.

    • Jason330 says:

      Is it a violation of Godwin’s Law to say that Biden is our Neville Chamberlain?

  2. Joe Connor says:

    Will there be a DL correspondent to provide live updates from the Riverfront this morning? I hear Foulk Manor is preparing a suite with a chilled carton of chocolate milk.:)

  3. Trump should’a kept his big yap shut.

    E. Jean Carroll sues him for his CNN rant, as well she should:
