Delaware Liberal

RISE Delaware Rally to Urge Delaware Legislators to Ensure Benefits Promised to Delaware Retirees and Workers

RISE Delaware is hosting a rally on June 13, 2023, on the Green at Legislative Hall in Dover from 1PM to 2:30PM to request the General Assembly to pass legislation that will keep the benefits promised to State retirees and not move them to a privatized Medicare Advantage plan.

RISE Delaware is asking all Delaware legislators to stand up for the rights of current and future retirees.

 RISE Co-Founder John Kowalko said, “we are asking the General Assembly to legislate retention of the Medicare Supplemental plan for current and future retirees, remove Medicare Advantage as an option in Delaware Code, specifically removing the words ‘or constructed as a plan under Medicare part C’, and codify as much as 2% in the state budget in order to pay for retiree health benefits now and into the future.”

 “We thank Rep. Carson for introducing HB152, changing the makeup of the SEBC, and for removing objectional epilog language regarding Medicare Advantage,” said Connie Merlet, RISE Delaware Board Member. “Delaware legislators must support the tens of thousands of state workers who have tirelessly served the people of Delaware. They should take further legislative action to preserve the benefits and promises made to these hard-working employees and their families.”

“It is now time for our elected representatives to demonstrate their resolve and ensure that all obligations and benefits that were promised to state employees and retirees are kept,” said Lisa Diller, RISE Co-Founder.

 Retirees will meet across from Legislative Hall and call on legislators to do their jobs and overrule an administration standing in the way of justice.

“Original Medicare plus the Medicfill plan for State retirees is a right they have earned and paid for and this Administration’s attempts to privatize Medicare must be overruled by legislators,” said former Representative John Kowalko.

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