Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, June 11, 2023

Rethugs Call For Insurrection Because ‘Trump’.  Is this the kind of free speech the 1st Amendment protects?  I don’t think so:

“We have now reached a war phase,” Representative Andy Biggs (AZ) tweeted Friday. “Eye for an eye,” he added, ignoring that a Florida grand jury decided on its own accord to indict the former president.

President Trump said he has “been summoned to appear at the Federal Courthouse in Miami on Tuesday, at 3 PM.” This is a perimeter probe from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this. Buckle up. 1/50K know your bridges. Rock steady calm. That is all.Rep. Clay Higgins, Louisiana.

“I have a message tonight for Merrick Garland, and Jack Smith, and Joe Biden,” Ms Lake said as she was speaking at the Georgia Republican Party convention. “And the guys back there in the fake news media, you should listen up as well, this one’s for you.”

“If you wanna get to President Trump, you’re gonna have to go through me, and you’re gonna have to go through 75 million Americans just like me,” she claimed.

“And I’m gonna tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the NRA,” she added to cheers from the crowd. “That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”-Kari Lake, Arizona loser.

All three of them and others of their, wait for it, ilk, should be in jail right now for calling for insurrection.   Jeezus Eff-ing Christ.

Will The Battle Over Ordaining Women Sink The Southern Baptists?  Unlikely, but at least the battle is being fought:

On his path to becoming perhaps the best-known evangelical leader in modern American history, Rick Warren had a strategy: building a church for people turned off by church.

Before he became pastor of the 57,000-member Saddleback Church, before his “The Purpose Driven Life” became one of the best-selling nonfiction books in publishing history, Warren studied population and demographic data so he’d plant churches where big groups of secular people were growing. He read management theory about how businesses lure non-customers. To make people feel at ease, he preached in aloha shirts and sandals (that wouldn’t put me at ease, but that’s just me).

Now in 2023, when experts say religion and especially evangelical Protestantism have become synonymous with partisan politics, Warren, 69, has chosen to confront head-on one of the most divisive issues in conservative Christianity: the role of women.

The Southern Baptist Convention this year tossed out Saddleback — one of its largestchurches — after Warren ordained several women as pastors. SBC officials ruled that Saddleback had gone against the SBC’s most recent statement of faith.

This month, Warren launched a website well-stocked with videos making scriptural arguments for women pastors and lambasting the SBC — his family’s denominational home for four generations. And Tuesday, he is scheduled to appear before thousands of Southern Baptists at their annual meeting and argue for an appeal, sayingtheir size and influence in America has greatly diminished in recent years by focusing on, among other things, divisive secular and religious politics, purity tests and not on “the Great Commission” — Jesus’s instruction to spread the faith.

This reminds me that ‘The Righteous Gemstones’ returns for its third season on HBO next Sunday.  If trashing religious institutions and going well beyond the bounds of good taste is your thing, as it is ours, you’ll love it.

My Second-Favorite Pundit’s Weekly Screed.  He tries, sincerely, or at least as sincerely as he can, to explain that stealing is still illegal:

Hey, I don’t know who needs to hear this, but stealing is still illegal. You know how you’re not allowed to take gum from the grocery store? It might be helpful to think of nuclear secrets as really special, important gum.

He’s in top form this week.

Minnesota Does It Right.  Despite only a one-seat majority in the State Senate, the state’s legislators and governor pass an entire progressive agenda:

The party accomplished a generation’s worth of liberal reforms in just four months, vaulting the state to the forefront of progressive policymaking.

Minnesota now offers 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, the opportunity for any resident to buy into Medicaid, free public college tuition for low- and middle-income families, a new child tax credit for those families, free breakfast and lunch for all public school students, driver’s licenses for all residents regardless of their immigration status, and stronger protections for workers seeking to unionize.

Take a deep breath — there’s more coming.

Middle-class seniors will no longer have to pay state income taxes on Social Security benefits. A law immediately restoring the voting rights of felons who have completed their prison sentences expanded the franchise to 55,000 more people. Minnesotans serving life behind bars for crimes they committed as minors are now eligible for supervised release 15 years into their sentence. Suspending gun permits for people experiencing a mental health crisis got easier. Recreational marijuana is legal. A new state law protects abortion rights. A “trans refuge” law shields transgender children who travel to Minnesota for medical transitions from legal repercussions in their home states. And Minnesota has set a goal of moving to 100% carbon-free energy by 2040.

You know what? We’ve done quite a bit of this in Delaware.  With a less-doltish governor, and a couple less cops in the House, we can accomplish all of it.

Eat Shit And–Flourish?  Is the ‘crapsule’ the ultimate in recycling?:

The complexity and demand for faecal transplants have spawned an entire industry, and FMT can now be purchased frozen from biobanks. As with an organ donation, donors have to be carefully screened to make sure they don’t harbour transmittable diseases or parasites. Potential stool donors undergo a rigorous screening questionnaire, medical interview and examination, followed by blood- and stool-testing.

Then there are the practicalities. Fresh samples must ideally be acquired within a short time from delivery, diluted with sterile saline, stirred, strained and then poured into a sterile bottle.

I’ve merely provided you with a ‘taste’ of the future.  Feel free to read more. Or not.

Dead Fish Wash Up On Texas Beaches.  God’s will:

Photo By Karri McKim

That dead fish stench reminds me.  Time for my weekly shower.  (Hey, I’m retired. Got a problem with that??)

What do you want to talk about?


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