DL Open Thread Monday June 12 2023

Filed in National by on June 12, 2023

I’m just obsessed with the Trump indictment. I think it is because I’m obsessed with how airtight and bullet proof the indictment appears to be and the contrast with the UTTER nonsense his defenders are coming up with. I mean…whataboutism & weaponization? Jesus Christ, that’s it? I want to sit down with a Trump and unpack those things.

I want to say, “Ok, let’s assume Biden is guilty as fuck. How does that let Trump off the hook? What if I robbed a bank in Dover and you robbed a bank in Smyrna on the same day. And let’s say I got caught, but you got away. Could I defend myself by saying, ‘Well you never caught the other guy, so I must be innocent.'” It makes no fucking sense.


Now that my favorite president, Donald Trump, is facing a 37-count indictment from the feds, I join with my brothers and sisters in MAGA, and with all sensible Republicans, in saying this: I’m not sure I want to live in a country where a former president can wave around classified documents he’s not supposed to have and say, “This is secret information. Look at this,” and then be held accountable for his actions.

I mean, what kind of country have we become? One in which federal prosecutors can take “evidence” before a “grand jury,” and that grand jury can “vote to indict” a former president for 37 alleged “crimes”?  Look at all the other people out there in America, including Democrats like Hillary Clinton and President Joe Biden, who HAVEN’T been indicted for crimes on the flimsy excuse that there is no “evidence” they did crimes. THAT’S TOTALLY UNFAIR!


Looks like I-95 is fucked.  


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Whataboutism – Everybody else immediately cooperated and handed over documents. Trump hid documents and lied about them. The charge is “did willfully retain,” not just simple possession.

    Classified – The documents don’t have to be classified to be a crime.

    Weaponization – DOJ really didn’t want to charge Trump and gave him every chance to return the documents and avoid indictment. But instead he covered up and lied.

  2. puck says:

    From the international RWNJ desk: Boris Johnson resigned from Parliament, and Silvio Berlusconi has died.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Wait till you see who Carney nominated for weed czar.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Until the ex cop nominee is confirmed I remain the interim cannabis commissioner