Senator Chris Coons was instrumental in Getting whackjob Trump Judge, Aileen Cannon, on Federal Bench

Filed in National by on June 12, 2023

Coons helped Trump rush a record number of ideological nutbags into lifetime positions in the Federal  judiciary.  U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon was one of them.   Heck of a job, Coonsie!


Twelve Democratic senators voted in favor of the appointment of a federal district judge who granted former President Donald Trump‘s request for a special master in an investigation of the handling of White House documents.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ruled that a special master would be appointed to review documents seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence during an FBI search on August 8.

The judge’s decision was quickly subjected to strong criticism from legal experts, with some pointing out that Cannon had been appointed to the bench by the former president.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. It was either support her, or be barred from Sen. Grassley’s centenarian celebration, which featured some of Iowa’s best beef.

    • Andrew C says:

      Now now, only Lindsay Graham really cares about the finest Iowa beef, and we should support him in his quest.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Oh that little rascal Chris Coons and his “good friends in the Republican party” (That one still gets me!). None of us (not just old farts like me) will live to see parts of the constitution corrected, lifetime judicial appointments perhaps leads the list as does a supreme court with no code of conduct (as in that world traveler Clarence Thomas). Oops! Almost forgot the hated Electoral College! As noted a half broken democracy is better then none at all. But just barely.

    • Paul says:

      Not a constitutional correction, but the fucking senate filibuster…

      • bamboozer says:

        One of may ways the little kings of the senate have used to increase their power, none of it in the constitution, none of it to benefit the nation.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Changes to John Carney’s cabinet:


    Molly Magarik is leaving. A retired cop will be the marijuana commissioner.