Cannabis Czar – There are qualified people, Carney just didn’t look for them

Filed in National by on June 13, 2023

This is Dasheeda Dawson’s bio.  She is NYC’s Cannabis Commissioner.  There are other people with decent resumes who have been working in this industry for a while.   Carney didn’t look for a qualified person.

Dasheeda Dawson is a global cannabis advocate, award-winning Fortune 100 business strategist, and a bestselling author on the cannabis industry. Her advocacy and thought leadership have also been featured across multiple outlets.

Dawson has nearly 20 years of business development, strategic management, and brand marketing excellence while leading transformative organizations in both the public and private sectors, nearly a decade of which has focused on the growing cannabis industry.

As an advocate and policy advisor, Dawson was pivotal to the 2021 landmark passage of New York’s Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act. While fighting for legalization in her home state, Dawson was tapped to lead cannabis regulation in Portland, Oregon. As cannabis program manager for the City of Portland, Dawson oversaw all regulatory licensing, compliance, education, and equity initiatives for the city’s cannabis industry.


It’s almost as if Carney put a no-resume ex-cop in there  because he wants this to fail.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Much like Trump at some point Carney will be gone, pissing and moaning all the way to the Delaware version of K Street as Bobby Byrd can’t last forever. Does Carney, the Cops, The Alcohol Industry and Big Pharma want legalization to fail? Hell yeah, and I’m expecting assorted games, schemes and the usual rank stupidity of the political class will follow. But when the revenue rolls in all will fall silent (Other then the ticking of assorted pacemakers) and perhaps for one brief shining moment the real world will prevail.

  2. Alby says:

    I agree they could and should have chosen someone from outside who knows the problems particular to the industry. But I’ve met this guy and, given the candidate pool, they could have done worse.

  3. More than anything, you need someone capable of building a business model from scratch. Preferably someone with experience opening multiple locations.


    Alan Levin
    Alisa Morkides
    Sam Calagione
    Mariah Calagione
    Whoever runs Concord Pet

    If someone w/o this type of business experience is in charge, ESPECIALLY someone whose entire career has been in policing and corrections, Delaware’s pot industry will fail.

    Carney WANTS it to fail, which is why the nomination of Coupe (who I’m told is a good guy) is Carney’s ‘Fuck-You’ to the General Assembly.

    The Senate needs to give him the finger right back at him. Feel free to add to this list. My point is–there are many people who could do this successfully. The General Assembly needs to insist that it be given every chance to succeed.

    No ex-cops need apply.

    • Alan Levin says:

      El Som, while I appreciate the vote of confidence, Rob Coupe is the right guy to lead this effort. First and foremost he will have to promulgate the regulations with an eye towards proper enforcement and at the same time working to keep it from becoming a gateway drug. I’ve worked with Rob for years, he is a quick study and a great leader. Most importantly if he doesn’t have the answer he is not afraid to ask for help. In my opinion, this decision by Carney may be the best of his tenure.

      • If so, that would be damning with faint praise.

      • Al Catraz says:

        Lol…. “Working to keep it from becoming a gateway drug”… because the #1 revenue leader at Wawa is tobacco – at every major intersection – and mysteriously it is not a “gateway drug” despite the fact I’ve never known a junkie who didn’t smoke cigarettes.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Failing the Senate blackballing the nomination the job can go to a qualified person in 20 months limiting the damage. I asked Bethany yesterday if she would oppose the appointment and or appoint someone else. She gave an “I just heard about this today” response. The next GUV needs to get this right!

  4. Len Damico says:

    > It’s almost as if Carney put a no-resume ex-cop in there because he wants this to fail.


  5. Joshua W says:

    Justice for REV