Tens of Protesters Near Courthouse

Filed in National by on June 13, 2023

Several hundred members of the media gathered Tuesday outside the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse in Miami before former president Donald Trump’s appearance. 


Trump supporters bused in from other parts of Florida

In an Orlando Walmart parking lot, about four dozen Trump supporters dressed in red, white and blue clothing boarded two buses for the four-hour trip to Miami to show their support outside the federal courthouse where the former president would be appearing.

Some wore T-shirts that read “Donald Trump Did Nothing Wrong” and hats stenciled with “Because America Can Never Be Too Great.”

“He has done so much for us. This what we can do for him. This is what we must do for him,” said Laurie Pettengill, who drove halfway across the state from Homosassa Springs on Florida’s Gulf Coast to go on the trip.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Man, these fuckin’ Trump flags.

  2. Andrew C says:

    You were wondering where she’s been, so I can happily report that Lauren Witzke was there:


    “During her live stream, she wondered out loud if ‘federal agents’ were undercover at the courthouse protests. ‘Let’s count the FBI in this protest,’ read a sign carried by a pro-Trumo supporter she interviewed. Witzke later contemplated if the man holding the sign — which had toy-water guns attached — was a ‘fed’ himself.

    “Witzke, an ally of white nationalist Nick Fuentes, soon grew tired of covering the lackluster [Laura] Loomer protest and turned her attention to trolling the media.

    “‘Is CNN here?” she asked on the stream, adding, ‘Oh shoot, I forgot I was streaming, oops.'”