DL Open Thread Wednesday June 14 2023

Filed in National by on June 14, 2023

Unequal Application of Justice!

It’s official.  Trump’s entire defense is Whataboutism.   Very odd, but I guess it shows that there is really no legal defense so they are going for a political defense and betting that they can win in the Electoral College.

Trump claims ‘political persecution’ in speech after arraignment

Former president accused of wilfully withholding classified documents and obstructing justice, and is charged with 37 counts

Hours after facing criminal charges for the alleged mishandling of classified documents, Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters at his golf resort in New Jersey that his indictments were a “corrupt” and “political pursuit” designed to destroy him.



‘Jeopardy’: Fans React to ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ Triple Stumper

In the June 13 episode of Jeopardy!, five-day champion Suresh Krishnan had to defend his $53,999 total winnings against nonprofit fundraiser Laura Blyler Scanland and graduate student Joe Siebert. But as the game went on, people began to notice all the triple stumpers going on throughout, especially one that involved The Lord’s Prayer.

As the game kicked off, host Mayim Bialik began to read the clue “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father, which art in heaven, [this] be thy name,” leaving all three contestants stumped on “hallowed.”


House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and members of the rebellion that shut down the House for the past week emerged from a private meeting Monday evening with an agreement that will allow the chamber to function for at least this week. What McCarthy promised this time around isn’t any more clear than what he promised them privately back in January, when they finally allowed him to be speaker. What is clear is the speaker’s gavel is the extremists’ to extort any time they feel like it.

The truce is only temporary since they came out of the meeting not even agreeing on what they agreed to: Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz insists they have a new “power-sharing agreement” and that it will be in writing. McCarthy says otherwise.


A couple of Republicans ate tiptoeing toward acknowledging reality.

In subtle ways, some of Trump’s G.O.P. rivals shift their tone as they defend him.

Nikki Haley and Tim Scott acknowledged the seriousness of Justice Department’s charges against Donald J. Trump.

Some of Donald J. Trump’s Republican rivals in the 2024 race have made a subtle shift since the details of his federal indictment were unsealed, expressing a new eagerness to emphasize the severity of the charges he faces.

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor who was an ambassador to the United Nations under Mr. Trump, simultaneously criticized her one-time boss in a Fox News interview on Monday while saying that the Justice Department had lost credibility with the American people.

“Two things can be true at the same time,” Ms. Haley said, adding that if the indictment was accurate, “President Trump was incredibly reckless with our national security.”

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, another Republican seeking the presidential nomination, said on Monday it was a “serious case with serious allegations,” according to The Post and Courier newspaper of Charleston, S.C.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    “betting that they can win in the Electoral College.”

    To win the White House, Dems don’t need a collapse of Trump support. we just need to win one more state.

    But a full-on collapse of Trump support means we meaningfully expand the Senate majority and maybe get the House too.

  2. Jason330 says:

    True. Therefor.. The best defense against another Trump term is Biden going back to the liberal firebrand he was throughout the early months of his presidency.

    • puck says:

      Biden made some tactical retreats in order to protect his agenda and his Presidency to fight another day. That doesn’t mean he has fundamentally moved to the right.

       I also hope and expect his campaign rhetoric will provide more red meat for progressives.