The Rick Jensen Show is Terrible

Filed in National by on June 14, 2023

Joe Biden is senile.  Joe Biden hates black people.  Climate change is not caused by human activity.  Joe Biden is an evil genius.  Joe Biden hates America. 

If you listen Rick Jensen, these things are not news to you.  I’ve tried listening for a few days and can’t stomach more than a few minutes at a time.  It is just truly dreadful.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. On the day that Carper was set to announce whether he’d run again, I turned on WDEL b/c they’d promised live coverage, which they did not.

    Jensen was on, and he was just unlistenable–not b/c of his political slant, but due to his sheer laziness. I don’t think he bothers to even work at it any more–if he ever did.

  2. Arthur says:

    I used to think people like there were doing schtick, like pro wrestling (this year im a villain, next i’m a good guy” but i’ve realized over the last couple years this is true mental illness. the repubes say its not the guns its the mental illness well for jensen and his ilk there should be immediate dispatch of mental health professionals to each of them for evaluation and treatment

  3. Another Mike says:

    I rarely turn it on. There are plenty of issues here in Delaware that would benefit from a public forum such as local talk radio, but you’ll never hear them on WDEL. Any time I’ve heard him and his sidekick, they sound like they’re auditioning for a spot on Newsmax.

    • Jason330 says:

      The side kick with the lame Johny Carson impressions. Jesus Christ, are you fucking kidding me, dude!

      But yeah, it is a shame. The listenership must be boiled down to a thick toxic sludge, just like the GOP in general.

      • ScarletWoman says:

        The sidekick does do a pretty good Christopher Walken. But El Som nailed it, Rick doesn’t even call it in anymore, he sends it by Pony Express.

  4. Jean says:

    Jensen’s wack pack is basically the same profile: old guy who pantomimes a blue collar background with a chip on their shoulder.

    I miss John Watson. He was a bit off the wall but he had the best wack pack. When either Liz Allen or “Mandela-Khan” were on the line, you could expect a real laugh. I’ll never forget the day Mandela called in and accused John of trying to run him over in town. I was laughing so hard I had to pull over.

    Frank Gregory was another great. A good soul and some of the best programming out there. Saturday mornings just aren’t the same.

  5. Andrew C says:

    I do love that cognitive dissonance of “Joe Biden poops his diaper!” with “Joe Biden controls every branch of the Deep State with his Jedi mind tricks!”

  6. bamboozer says:

    Gee, sounds like I’ve missed nothing, other then the latest new Nazi, and apparently this one thinks he’s funny. And on a lighter note who the hell listens to WDEL?

    • Hop-Frog says:

      Aside from the corporate decision some years ago to keep the rabid but vapid Jensen over the thoughtful Al Mascitti, WDEL does maintain a small but active newsroom both on air and on their website, which covers stuff the NJ ignores. They also carry the Phillies, 76ers and Eagles games live. And they do live traffic and weather in commuter hours.

      The AM 1150 signal mostly reaches NCCo, so a couple of years ago they bought a station in South Jersey whose FM transmitter reaches below the canal at 101.7. And so Jensen the Execrable also gets to rile the rubes below the canal, but folks down there can also follow the Phils.

      • john kowalko says:

        The morons “down there” are his only fans. They don’t get “riled” by that hate-mongerer they revel in his bullshit

        John Kowalko