DL’s Open Source Candidate Questionnaire for People Running for the Office of Governor – Part 2 / DRAFT 1

Filed in National by on June 16, 2023

I asked for your input and you gave it.   When it is all done I’ll spring for the certified mail to make sure nobody lies and says that never got it.

Here is what we’ve got so far:

Dear —,

[Insert some cover letter here, encouraging candidates to approach this questionnaire with sincerity, and thanking them for their dedication to public service, commitment to transparency and democratic participation.]


The Contributors, Commenters and Lurkers of DelawareLiberal.net



  1. Do you think that there is a “Democratic approach” to the role of Governor?   Yes/No    If yes please elaborate on what you consider the “Democratic approach” to being governor.
  2. What is your plan for improving openness and transparency in state government?
  3. Should public-private partnerships that receive state funds be subject to the Freedom of Information Act? If not, why not?
  4. By what amount will you raise taxes on the wealthiest Delawareans to ensure that they pay their fair share?
  5. What will you do to combat wage theft, labor violations, and union-busting by employers to create an even playing field for Delaware workers?
  6. What will you do differently from the failed attempts of the Carney-Hall-Long-DeMatteis Administration to stop the state employee brain drain and make the state an employer of choice again by hiring more and better people into state government careers?
  7. Would you be in favor of eliminating the office of Lt Governor of Delaware?
  8. Will you continue to pursue the Carney policy of forcing state retirees into a for-profit version of Medicare?
  9. Which, if any, substantive police reform policies would you pursue to ensure greater accountability and more robust protection of our civil rights?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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