Lisa Blunt Rochester Can Win Without Selling Out – Will She?

Filed in National by on June 17, 2023

Politico says that it is official. LBR is running for the Senate, and with no competition from either Democrats or Republicans, she has a golden opportunity to refuse corporate PAC money and run a clean campaign. The question is, will she?

Democratic Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, Delaware’s lone member of the House, will launch a bid this month for her state’s open Senate seat, according to her advisors.

Her glide path to the nomination in a deep-blue state makes it highly likely she could become the third Black woman to ever serve in the Senate. Blunt Rochester, who joined the House in 2017, has begun hiring campaign staff ahead of an expected announcement.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    “She has a golden opportunity to refuse corporate PAC money and run a clean campaign.”

    It’s not nice to make people laugh that hard this early in the morning.

    • Jason330 says:

      Well… crazy stuff happens. A decade ago, nobody in their right mind could have foreseen the demise of the DEGOP as a statewide party, lying lifeless and frigid on the embalming table, while LBR, unopposed, gracefully glides into a cushy Senate seat, never to be budged again.

  2. Joseph Connor says:

    LBR declines PAC money and Trump admits that he lost the election and pleads guilty and then I woke up:)

    • Jason330 says:

      C’mon Joe. Don’t poo-poo the capricious nature of life. Even the most fantastical occurrences find their way into reality from time to time.

      I mean, Trump WAS President. That alone should remind us that literally anything is possible.

  3. If you look at her campaign contributors, she’s already sold out. For a seat in Congress. Does anybody think she will ‘un-sell out’ for her Senate run?

  4. Alby says:

    She will join a long Delaware tradition of electing placeholders who are never replaced.

  5. bamboozer says:

    You know the rules, we only get corporate lackeys here and LBR will be no different. To mangle a classic saying money corrupts, absolute money corrupts absolutely. And their damn good at it.

  6. Doug says:

    “ God save the Queen “