Trump lawyer bails on documents case

Filed in National by on June 18, 2023

To explain why Trump can’t keep lawyers, most legal experts  point to a legal doctrine known as – He’s guilty as fuck. 

CNN — A lawyer who was representing former President Donald Trump in his defamation lawsuit against CNN said Friday that he was withdrawing from the case, in the latest sign of the break-up of the Trump legal team since the lawyer, Jim Trusty, and another Trump attorney stopped representing the former president in the criminal documents case against him.

“Mr. Trusty’s withdrawal is based upon irreconcilable differences between Counsel and Plaintiff and Counsel can no longer effectively and properly represent Plaintiff,” Trusty said in a filing requesting the court’s permission to withdraw.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    The lawyers that hook up with Trump do it for publicity, to “get their name out there”, they know in advance they’ll be stiffed for payment and suffer above and beyond the usual in that profession. When it becomes a losing proposition they bail. It’s a sucker bet as it comes with the dirty laundry of associating with Trump.

  2. Highlands hippie says:

    Nah. Good lawyers represent guilty people all the time. Problem is Trump doesn’t listen or pay.

  3. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Pretty soon the only attorney left for the orange fecal stain will be John Gibbons, the stuttering public defender from “My Cousin Vinny.”