DL Open Thread Monday June 19 2023

Filed in National by on June 19, 2023

Happy Juneteenth!  It is the most woke holiday of the year and there for most vexing to conservatives.  Read about the holiday here. 

As for the balance of the open thread – I just want to highlight a couple of post from last week that didn’t get their due respect.

Highlands Bunker – Are Multinational Billion Dollar Corporations Brazenly Using Delaware’s Corporate Law Cabal to Further Enrich Themselves?

There are some Highlands Bunker Episodes in which REV and the gang goof around a bit. This is not one of those episodes.

Are corporate lobbyists using the secretive process that updates the general corporation law to impact a pending settlement? Chance from Chancery Daily joins Rob in the bunker to talk about how an AMC case in Chancery Court might be affected by Delaware’s yearly update to the corporate law, and why the Delaware Way should be about integrity and not secrecy.


DL’s Open Source Candidate Questionnaire for People Running for the Office of Governor – Part 2 / DRAFT 1

I asked for your input and you gave it.   When it is all done I’ll spring for the certified mail to make sure nobody lies and says that never got it. Here is what we’ve got so far:


A Special Mini-Edition Of Delaware Political Weekly: June 17, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 17, 2023 5 Comments

My pledge to you:  When Delaware political news breaks, I’ll be here to report about it.  Granted, usually days, weeks, or perhaps months after it happens, but I will still report it.  We’ve got two interesting stories today. 1. Good government advocate Dr. Monica Katherine Beard files to run against Rethug Michael Smith

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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