DL Open Thread Tuesday June 20 2023

Filed in National by on June 20, 2023

Unhinged Hateful Rhetoric Works!  Especially  when you have centrist dipshits taking up your bogus talking points. 

A majority of Republicans now say same-sex relations are immoral after a year of ‘groomer’ attacks on the LGBTQ community

  • Only 41% of Republicans say gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable, according to Gallup.

  • That is a 15% drop from 2022, the largest single-year change since Gallup began asking the question.

  • The drop comes amid a right-wing campaign to link LGBTQ people with “grooming” and pedophilia.


Pro-Rapists Rights Advocates… er…I mean Pro-lifers to Trump – What have you done for us lately?

EXCLUSIVE – Live Action founder and pro-life leader Lila Rose told Americans to trust their conscience when voting for president in 2024, and argued that former President Trump was backsliding on pro-life issues, despite his role in the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court a year ago this week, ending nearly 50 years of a national right to abortion enshrined in law. In the nearly 12 months since that historic ruling, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, some of the most influential voices in the pro-life movement are pushing for a new frontier — complete and equal protection for children, according to Rose.

“I’m very hopeful. And it’s not just empty optimism,” Rose said of the future of the pro-life movement.

Miscarriage is a naturally occurring event, also called a “spontaneous abortion.”  No matter what a pregnant person does, 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies (or approximately 1 million a year in the U.S.) will end in a miscarriage or stillbirth.

Therefor, GOD is the most abortion happy abortionist ever! 


A new poll out from JL Partners underscores major weaknesses for the three men most likely to be sworn in as president on 20 January 2025, with little good news to soften the blow.

With the GOP primary now in full swing, Americans are getting a good look at the alternatives the Republican Party will present to the re-election of President Joe Biden, who was already the oldest president ever to take office when he did so in 2021.

But the top contenders in the GOP, former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, each have debilitating labels to overcome if they have any shot of picking up ground with a general election audience, according to the survey. For Mr Trump, voters were most likely to describe him in one word as a “criminal”; others were even less flattering, such as “disgusting”, “liar”, “evil” and “dangerous” (though “patriot” also made a top-10 appearance).


LGBT rights…sure, whatever.  Let’s see them try to roll back internet porn to pre-1960 levels

Ron Brownstein, a senior editor for The Atlantic, argued that many Republican-led states are essentially creating completely different countries within the borders of the United States.

Appearing on CNN, Brownstein argued that many red states seem to be in a race to roll back a wide array of freedoms, with a particular focus on women’s rights and LGBTQ rights.

“I think that they are building a nation within a nation on all sorts of issues: LGBTQ rights, voting rights, abortion rights, these book bans, classroom censorship,” he said.

He then argued that these efforts have created areas of the country where many areas have vastly different legal landscapes for citizens simply depending on where they live.


Unhinged Rhetoric Works – Espeicially when you have centertist dipshits taking up your cause

A majority of Republicans now say same-sex relations are immoral after a year of ‘groomer’ attacks on the LGBTQ community

  • Only 41% of Republicans say gay or lesbian relations are morally acceptable, according to Gallup.

  • That is a 15% drop from 2022, the largest single-year change since Gallup began asking the question.

  • The drop comes amid a right-wing campaign to link LGBTQ people with “grooming” and pedophilia.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    Dorsey Walker announced last night on a shaky and poorly shot Facebook live last night. The feed dropped several times. there was a live group but i could not determine the location.

    • At best, she’s been innocuous as a state rep. We can do better there.

      • Joe Connor says:

        She announced at the Congo Center which is the old Christ our King church at 28th and Madison.
        Definitely be an upgrade opportunity in the House. Looking at you Karl and Drew:).

        • Wouldn’t be surprised if someone who is active in either WFD and/or Network Delaware lives in that district and would be a great candidate.

          In fact there are likely some someones….

  2. Jean says:

    If anyone had been listening to the “centrist dipshits” 10 years ago, we would not be seeing this backslide.

    Keep poking that bear, using terms like “pregnant person” in lieu of woman. It’s a real laugh getting a rise out of those right wingers! Just be ready to accept the consequences when members of the marginalized group that you claim to stand up for get hurt or killed because you kept pouring gas on that fire

    • Alby says:

      You say “anyone,” but you mean “everyone.” Because all it takes is one person saying “defund the police” for Fox et al to declare that’s the position of everyone who doesn’t vote Republican.

      I’ve never used the term “pregnant person” in lieu of “woman.” But I won’t blame victims for their own victimization, either, a line you freely cross.

      • Jean says:

        I think most people here agree with the spirit of defund the police; they realize that they are well-outnumbered by the number of people who don’t realize the nuance and recognize that doubling down on the slogan is counterproductive to the ultimate goal. In the same vein, giving space to those who continue to say/do dumb shit makes everyone look bad. To date, too many people are engaged In counterproductive advocacy and are going unchallenged

        To be clear, the real victims aren’t doing this to themselves. The people saying and doing dumb shit are generally young activists with no experience, perspective or strategy. Perhaps even more insulting, they identify as non-binary as a sort of indemnity against claims of “white saviorhood”

    • Jason330 says:

      You are ridiculous.

    • RE Vanella says:

      All this acceptance and inclusion just makes reactionaries MORE reactionary. OK, Wow. No one had considered this.

    • puck says:

      I can gladly forgo using “pregnant person,” but I’m keeping “centrist dipshit.”

    • Andrew C says:

      This is not a serious person. Can we please just stop conversing with her?

  3. bamboozer says:

    As ever what now passes for “conservatism” is based on a refusal to leave people the hell alone, ranging from the truly disgusting “bring them to Christ” to threats of jail and prosecution. America remains two different countries fighting a cold civil war in the political theater, it will not be resolved in our lifetimes, if ever. The question is will there be violence, and at what level.

    • puck says:

      An insurrection conviction and Republican rout in 2024 like the post-Watergate elections could provide a temporary reprieve from the slide into fascism. Even so, Reagan was elected only five years after the Nixon resignation.

      If Dems do win a working majority, I just hope they know what to do with it.

  4. Arthur says:

    Creating small nation states in the nation is a pretty good game plan. 1) your party always remains in power and you can fill your state with all like minded people 2) you can create all the rules you want to keep all your unwanteds out 3) you will still receive all the largesse from the federal government even though you only contribute cents on the dollar of what you receive.

    • puck says:

      States are the laboratories of fascism.

      States cannot be the laboratories of social democracy, because social democracy requires a national commitment.

  5. Trump Judge Not Screwing Around: Sets August 14 Trial Date:


    Of course, it’s not gonna start then. But at least she’s not enabling Trump’s ‘slow-walking’.

  6. Jason330 says:

    In the ultimate quintessence of centrist dipshitery, 30 percent of Democrats (the hardcore dipshits) would support a pardon of Trump in the interest of “national unity,”


    Fucking idiots.

    • puck says:

      Those are the idiots who have enough privilege they think they will be just fine under a fascist regime.