DELAWARE CALL REPORTS – United Food and Commercial Workers Local 27 get “95%” of demands

Filed in National by on June 21, 2023

Strikes (and threats of strikes) work.

Kentmere Workers Secure New Contract

On Friday, workers represented by United Food and Commercial Workers Local 27 at Kentmere Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Center in Wilmington voted unanimously to ratify a new contract. Notching a victory not only for themselves, but providing an example for workers across the region that collective action can garner positive results.

Two weeks of informational pickets in AprilĀ organized by workers and UFCW 27 representatives, along with a rally on Kentmere Parkway, coaxed management to the negotiating table and last week workers approved the newly negotiated terms.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    This warms my heart. in 1975 when I was a young International Union Repand my local partner, Bill “Poor Willie” Fassett and myself fought a bruising campaign to win an NLRB representation election at the then called “The Home of Merciful Rest”. The workers were almost exclusively women and overwhelmingly black. that those women almost 50 years ago formed a lasting legacy is remarkable to me. Congrats to the workers and local 27!

  2. RE Vanella says:

    All credit to Delaware Public Media for also reporting on this story. Fair is fair though, we scoop-a-dooped them on the contract ratification. Hah.