Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday June 21 2023

I may add to this later but for now I just want to say…

1) Fuck Hunter Biden. That said – for Republicans everything is always about presidential electoral politics and nothing is ever about policy.

Since they are widely hated for their policies (and because they are awful), they have to make their opponent MORE awful in the eyes of low info voters.

That was easy with Hillary Clinton. It was harder to do with Biden, but the project NEVER stops. It is relentless and bottomless.

2) “Sweetheart deal”. That’s what the DOJ kept trying to give to Trump. When Merrick Garland’s made the decision to not investigate Trump for trying to overthrow the government because Republicans might get mad – that was a pretty fucking sweet deal.

A Washington Post investigation found that more than a year would pass before prosecutors and FBI agents jointly embarked on a formal probe of actions directed from the White House to try to steal the election. Even then, the FBI stopped short of identifying the former president as a focus of that investigation.


Will I serve as a juror in my husband’s impeachment trial?   Maybe I will.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas state Sen. Angela Paxton said Monday she will “carry out my duties” ahead of the historic impeachment trial of her husband, Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton, but did not outright say whether or not she will recuse herself on a vote to remove him from office.

Breaking weeks of public silence since her husband was impeached in May, Angela Paxton did not address the accusations in a statement released by her office.

Whether Paxton will cast a vote with her husband’s job on the line has raised ethical questions ahead of the looming trial in the Senate, which is set to begin no later than August. State law compels all senators to attend, but is silent on whether she must participate.

“As a member of the Senate, I hold these obligations sacred and I will carry out my duties, not because it is easy, but because the Constitution demands it and because my constituents deserve it,” Paxton said.


The Russian Army Gave Itself Cholera

The Russian army has been hit by a cholera outbreak, days after the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam in southern Ukraine caused catastrophic flooding, a military partisan movement has said.

Atesh, a military movement of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars, which has 41,000 subscribers on Telegram, cited “informants” from military hospitals of the Kherson region and Crimea as saying that many Russian soldiers are being admitted daily with suspected cases of cholera, a potentially deadly bacterial disease. Several Russian troops have died, the group said.


In the ultimate quintessence of centrist dipshitery, 30 percent of Democrats (the hardcore dipshits) would support a pardon of Trump in the interest of “national unity,”

Fucking idiots.

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