The “show me the money!” generation

Filed in National by on June 21, 2023

I’m so old that I remember when judges were not in it for the big bucks. They were intellectually aloof, like college professors happily ensconced in their academic villages.  They were at ease with a life of the mind. The gentile poverty that comes with valuing ideas over bottles of rare wine was not considered a curse, but a comfort.   They were above the money grubbing masses.

Alito and Thomas have spoken on behalf of a new breed of supreme court justice. It is a generation of judges that look at conflicts of interest and say, “Fuck it. Show me the money.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Admit to enjoying this immensely, and see it as long, long over due. The courts history is one of finding new ways to increase their power, starting with the Marbury vs. Madison decision that created overturning laws as “unconstitutional” the court has used it as a stick to beat the nation and throw it into chaos. Like the decision in Dobbs that overturned Roe vs. Wade, and with it 50 years of apparently not so settled law. Now the court threatens to repeat this performance on marriage equality and other issues that will thrill the far right , but inflame the nation as a whole. Warning, in many countries this would have resulted in violence aimed at the holier then thou justices of the court.

    • john kowalko says:

      Well if “violence’ is what is needed to restore the legitimacy of democracy, than so be it

      John Kowalko

      • bamboozer says:

        Sadly I suspect that this may well be true, the supreme court is a key component to the Republican goal of minority rule, notice they’ve had Viktor Orban in to speak at CPAC, and I dare say they took lots of notes. History shows that at some point “the other side” fights back and means it, obviously with Chris Coons we’re not ready here. But as we say here “Give it time”.

  2. Delawarelefty says:

    Alito and Thomas are two world class grifters masquerading as honorable men.

  3. ScarletWoman says:

    Recently a couple of our esteemed commenters have referred to ideas they have held as Pollyanna-ish.

    Well, smack me in the ass and call me Charlie, but I had a really ingrained belief that once folks got on the Supreme Court for life, their pure and fervent respect for and love of The Law would rise above the petty and partisan.

    F*** me. Now I’m going to concentrate on upping my boycott game like (?) Puck.