Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 6/22: Stray Cats, “Cat Fight (Over a Dog Like Me)”

Republicans always seem to stick together, if only because they’re the minority party in the U.S. so they’re doomed if they don’t. Give them a scrap of power, though, and they’ll fight over it like seagulls over a french fry.

Case in point: The House of Representatives’ two reigning divas, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert. Seems the performance artists are fighting over who gets to impeach Joe Biden first, and Greene called Boebert a “little bitch” on the House floor for putting forward her own articles of impeachment instead of co-sponsoring Greene’s.

Y’know, once upon a time members of Congress who got mad at each other, especially Southerners, fought duels, a practice I’d like to see make a comeback. Call me old-fashioned, but Southern politicians shooting each other over perceived slights of honor can only be a net positive for the country. (Southerners fight over honor so frequently because they have so little of it, and they’re not making it anymore.)

People thought the Stray Cats weren’t making albums anymore until they surprised everyone with their ninth LP, “40,” in 2019. It included Brian Setzer’s rockabilly paean to what feminist critic Susan J. Douglas would call a “classic” catfight — one between a blonde and a brunette. If it helps, you can think of them as Lauren and Marge.

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