“Franklin Cooke is a fucking liar.”

Filed in National by on June 25, 2023

Karl and REV give the Bunker take on the LEOBOR name change fraudulence. As usual it comes down to getting rid of the shitty Democrats and hoping the new Democrats don’t turn shitty. I’ll also put my thoughts on Matt Meyer in the comments section at some point.

Rob and Karl discuss the new LEOBOR reform bills and the hearings that brought them to the vote that occurred yesterday. This was recorded right after the hearings but includes a couple updates on events that have happened since.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Franklin Cooke is at the very top of the list of incumbents who need challengers. An ex-cop who is joined at the hip with Pete Schwartzkopf, the FOP and the police unions when it comes to fighting against police accountability.

    Anyone interested in running against him knows that WFP and a motivated grassroots would be extremely supportive of such a candidacy.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Lol. I saw the headline and thought, yes, that’s right! Then I realized it was promoting the podcast with a quote from me.