Last week’s poll results and this week’s poll question

Filed in National by on June 25, 2023

38% of us think that the peripatetic GOP will forget about how outraged they were that some non-millionaires might get a government benefit.  In fact I think the GOP has already forgotten that blocking free school lunch was going to be an election issue this year.

This week’s poll:   

On another post, I said I was going to share my thoughts on Matt Meyer and, FWIW, here they are.  A few people I respect like him and think he would be a good governor and that keeps him in the running for me.   I think the Hope Center was a significant accomplishment.  I suppose he’d be better for average Delawareans than Bethany Hall-Long.

So, what do you think about Meyer?





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. B says:

    He has gotten stuff done for New Castle County. He has a long and diverse history of public service. He is the most progressive and qualified of his potential opponents (Davis, BHL, Jennings). He will be a breath of fresh air.