BREAKING: House Votes Down Seaford Charter.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 29, 2023

That can only mean one thing: House Rethugs plan to hold up the Bond Bill because–Seaford.  The vote was 22 Yes, 18 No.  Actually it was 23-17, but Rep. Short changed his vote from yes to no so that he could bring the bill up again.  The D’s who voted yes?  Bolden, Carson, Cooke, Lynn, Matthews, Osienski, and Schwartzkopf.  The bill required a 2/3 majority, meaning it needed 27 votes.


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  1. House Rethugs going not voting on bills. Pathetic. Got myself a theme song:

    Looks like a City Of Lewes charter change is going down because of it. Yep. It did.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Osienski? Lynn?
    I’m confused.

    • I think Lynn cast a vote of solidarity with his downstate brethren b/c he afterwards asked the Rethugs not to vote down the Bond Bill. Don’t know about Osienski.

  3. Oh, fuck, here comes the POST bill, yet another bill written by the cops. Renames a body that is still totally controlled by the cops. Wonder if the Rethugs are going Not Voting on this one.

    What a shock–ALL the Rethugs are voting yes on this one.

  4. Here comes the Bond Bill. The Rethugs’ bluff has been called…AND they deep-six the bill by going ‘Not Voting’. It’s a 3/4ths bill.

    All this because the undemocratic Seaford Charter Change went down.

    Utterly pathetic.

  5. Speaker Pete announces that the House will come in at noon tom’w and will go directly to Caucus, aka ‘Jail’.

  6. The Rethugs have all fled the Chamber.

    Meaning I’m fleeing the audio feed.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    Poor leadership. Total mayhem. Sad. Pete out. Madinah for Speaker.

  8. All Seeing says:

    Are Republicans using extortion to get their way on ridiculous legislation? I believe they are an should be punished at the polls.

    • john kowalko says:

      Republicans are again using extortion to get their way but Democrats are the only ones who can let them have their way. CALL THEIR BLUFF YOU SPINELESS, SNIVELING EXCUSES FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS. No votes for the Seaford election interference bill and if you are a Democrat who votes yes for Danny (the slime) Short’s bill then you will never have my support, funding or endorsement and I will work with ANYONE who challenges you. Let Danny, the slime, explain to his beloved Fire Companies why the Bond Bill (providing tens of millions to his Fire services) was not supported by the Republicans. Note to Herr Schwartzkopf: DO NOT PULL THIS B.S. CONCESSION FOR THE REPUBLICANS AGAIN. Like you did with the Ramone minimum wage disaster couple years back.

      Former Representative John Kowalko

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    OTOH, small blessings in disguise? Please everyone – act quickly on helping gathering support to defy this bill See below action alert from Dustyn Thompson to demand removal of the epilogue enacting Chamber favorite, Ready in 6.

    This is an insult I did not see coming. It is a power grab from the state bureaucrats in hand with the Bond Bill Committee, under the thumb of the Governor. The water carriers in that crowd are well known. – Nancy


    From: Dustyn Thompson
    Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 10:28 AM
    Subject: URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Bond Bill To Gut Permitting
    Good Afternoon All!

    I just found out that there is a poison clause in the Bond Bill that must be removed! There is a clause that establishes the long sought after, but always challenged, “Ready in Six” initiative in Delaware. This section seeks to put industrial polluters at the helm of their own permit approvals by allowing them to select a reviewer outside of DNREC!

    We know the end result of this is to cut the permit process from 24 months of allowing for community engagement down to 6 months with little to no community input. That in turn will allow industrial polluters to continue to flock to already overburdened communities with very little insight or recourse!

    I ask that you please send a letter to your legislators immediately to tell them that you do not want this in the Bond Bill. We have pro-environmental legislators down in Dover pushing for an amendment to remove it, but they need our support!

    Please send an email NOW! Then share online!


    All Good Things,

  10. puck says:

    Of course I read it here first, but Meredith Newman in the News Journal does a pretty good job outlining the drama, and with quotes from Ramone.

    This from Ramone ought to seal his defeat in the next cycle:

    He added that “there’s no motivation for us to have to pass a bond bill.”

    “As a matter of fact,” Ramone said, “I kind of hope we don’t pass a bond bill so we can get that $1.4 billion back in tax reductions to all the people.”

    • Alby says:

      One of the things people fail to realize about “business people” is that often they’re self-employed because nobody in their right mind would hire them.

      What Mike Ramone knows about work is mainly how to avoid it.

  11. The MoMo says:

    I saw a tweet that Dems elected leadership during caucus? anyone know if that’s real?
    Also, I hate that bill, BUT, it does seem like they could pass it and have the Senate kill it. Or start working the Governor to veto. What egos they have to think they’re the only defense of democracy

    • Stewball says:

      Unfortunately, the House Repubs will wait for the Senate to pass that Seaford bill before voting for the Bond Bill. And Carney probably supports it anyway. Ramone was quoted in the News Journal as saying he actually hopes the Bond Bill doesn’t pass. The Dem state party should be blasting that quote out and yelling from the Leg Hall cupola about how Ramone and his House GOP actually “hope” funding to build new schools, pay for fire companies’ construction projects, etc doesn’t pass. The absolute right wing nut voters won’t care, but enough voters in Repub districts would care and it doesn’t take that many phone calls to get a legislator’s attention.

      • The MoMo says:

        I’m surprised that Ramone/Repubs can still surprise me. I agree with you, I feel like Repub voters would support this sort of scortched earth if they had done it on one of the gun bills or abortion bills that carry a fiscal, but this one I’m not so sure. I suppose this applies to the Grant-In-Aid bill that was pre-filed too.
        I mean… at least maybe this bs finally gets Ramone voted out of office.