Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 7/3: Train, “Meet Virginia”

Jason has already addressed the fallout from Virginia’s decision to put the onus of age verification on internet porn suppliers — Pornhub pulled the plug on the whole state. A reminder for those who didn’t pay attention in American history class: The Puritans landed in Massachusetts, not Virginia. The Cavaliers weren’t looking for religious freedom, they were looking for free land, but their descendants they’ve embraced the blue-nosed intolerance New England has left behind.

Wanna feel old? This song dates to when record companies were still treating videos like short movies, and hiring name actors like Rebecca Gayheart to star in them. It was Train’s first single from their eponymous debut LP, released in 1998, but the track didn’t reach the Hot 100 until 2000, when it topped out at No. 20 after a long run on AAA radio stations.

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