Bulletproof vest, multiple magazines, police scanner, AR-style rifle and a handgun – In other words, The “Full Patriot Package”

Filed in National by on July 4, 2023

5 adults killed, 2 children injured in massshooting in Philly; suspect found in bulletproof vest

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Five adults were killed and two children were injured during a mass shooting on Monday night in the Kingsessing section of Philadelphia. The suspected gunman, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, was taken into custody, police say.

It all started around 8:30 p.m., on the eve of Independence Day, in the area of 56th Street and Chester Avenue.

Police say people called 911 to report a shooting and others flagged down officers.

Police say at least 50 shots were fired at the scene and multiple vehicles were struck.

Arriving officers found gunshot victims at the scene. As officers began to put the victims in their patrol cars to take them to the hospital, they heard more gunfire and ran towards the sound.

Police say officers found the 40-year-old male suspect; they chased after him and were able to corner him.

“Our officers were able to apprehend the male in the rear alley of 1600 Frazier Street and when they did, this male was wearing a bulletproof vest with multiple magazines. He also had a (police) scanner, an AR-style rifle and a handgun,” Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. They’re always ‘law-abiding citizens’–until they aren’t.

  2. Gee, I wonder if they can trace any of the ammo he had to stuff that was stolen from Cebela’s.

    I STILL can’t wrap my head around 500,000 stolen rounds of ammo. People will die because of that.

  3. Doug says:

    50 shots fired and 5 killed…. Sounds like an average night in the city. Just like any big city. I’m sure this suspect had his valid permit to purchase

    • Jason330 says:

      I think the point you are trying to make is that our current gun control laws don’t work. If that’s it – I agree with you.

    • Alby says:

      With an AR-style rifle? Hardly. If you’re going to be an ignorant dolt, at least try to be accurate.

      • Doug says:

        The point ( and I think you get it) is keep passing laws that affect only the ones who abide and nothing will change. Here’s a suggestion … if someone commits a crime with a firearm – mandatory 3-5 years non negotiable.

  4. bamboozer says:

    Still working on a hymn with a working title of “Oh Precious Guns!”. Know any gun nuts? I run into them on occasion, they always thirst for revenge on all who would take their precious guns and plot their vile revenge should it happen. Ain’t America grand? That and as ever I feel so goddam safe you could cut it with a knife.

  5. Andrew C says:

    It’s the guns. It’s always the guns.

    • Alby says:

      A guy with an AR rifle as likely as not purchased it legitimately. But of course this is all speculation based on nothing but one guy’s prejudices (though to everyone’s detriment those prejudices are shared by millions).

  6. Joe Connor says:

    Obrady not sure of your point. I’ve seen the link, and it proves one thing and only one. Evil comes in unlimited forms.

  7. Louie says:

    A trans blm supporter. Wow. The ranks of the patriots have certainly expanded.

  8. Louie says:

    Yet by inference, you loons equate gun violence as only a white MAGA thing. It’s not. Look at France this past week as an example.

  9. RE Vanella says:

    The French are uprising because of the extrajudicial police killing of a kid. I’m sure everyone knows this, so I’m not sure what I’m suppose to glean from this past week in France that’s relevant to this. I’ve admittedly been out of the loop.

    • Alby says:

      Well, yes, given that it’s quite difficult for private citizens to acquire guns in France, the only link between the riots and guns is that the police killed a young man with one, setting off these protests.

      In other words, France illustrates my position, not his: It’s easier to quell violence when the protesters aren’t armed, and trouble often starts when police are.

      Americans have shown by example, for many decades now, that they are not responsible enough for gun ownership to be a universal right, or a Constitutional one. Five assholes making up an “interpretation” that goes against the plain language they pretended to interpret does not make something a right.