Fun fact: tear gas isn’t actually a gas, but a very fine powder, which makes it doubly insidious because it clings to your skin and clothes and so continues to irritate even after you’re out of the initial cloud.
Have any of you ever speculated on what would have been Coonsie’s fate in Delaware politics had he not been gifted his Senate seat when Ms. O’Donnell blindsided Mike Castle?
Fun fact: tear gas isn’t actually a gas, but a very fine powder, which makes it doubly insidious because it clings to your skin and clothes and so continues to irritate even after you’re out of the initial cloud.
Have any of you ever speculated on what would have been Coonsie’s fate in Delaware politics had he not been gifted his Senate seat when Ms. O’Donnell blindsided Mike Castle?
I think he would have carved out a nice spot for himself running a stakeholder-sponsored centrist think tank