Song of the Day 7/5: James Ingram, “I Believe I Can Fly”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 5, 2023

Great news for fans of “The Jetsons” — you can sign up now, for a small deposit, for your flying car.

Well, not exactly a car. As the article at the link notes, “To avoid automobile crash-test laws and other regulations, it will have a 25mph limit, and drive more like a golf cart than a car.” All yours for a mere $300,000, if it wins FAA approval as an aircraft. Hmmm…to avoid regulations. Where else have I heard that lately?

This song was written by R. Kelly, but there’s no way I’m linking to anything by that sick fuck. James Ingram is ten times the singer Kelly is anyway, and as a bonus isn’t serving a 30-year prison sentence for sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl.

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  1. Jean says:

    Speaking of sick fuck musicians, the news journal is already hard at work rehabilitating Jimmie Allen. You gotta be glad you got out when you did.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        Including this excellent line: “He subsequentally dropped from his record label.”

        I know they fired all the copy editors but geez, peeps.

    • Alby says:

      Has there been anything other than the article about the charity basketball game? I agree the soft-sell on the lawsuits — “he has not been charged with any crimes” indeed — smacks of cover-up, but remember the story is supposedly actually about a charity event, so the charitable reading might be that they didn’t want to besmudge a good cause.

      Back in the days when reporters could aspire to moving up in the world of newspapering, a reporter might have called up Allen’s management and pressed on whether he’ll show up, or for any other comment, rather than quoting a video. Sadly, quoting Twitter and other such sources seems to constitute journalism these days.

      I wonder if he’ll actually show for the event. The first lawsuit he might have defended as he said-she said, but once the second one hit — and there’s word of more where that came from — he should pucker up and kiss his career goodbye.