BREAKING: Frank Burns Takes Major Step To Rid Delaware Of Mike Ramone!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 6, 2023

Here’s the announcement in full:


(Newark, Delaware) Democrat Frank Burns of Newark announced today that he will again be running for the Pike Creek area 21st district seat in the 2024 election, setting up a potential rematch of the most hotly contested Delaware legislative race from 2022.

In 2022 the Burns campaign against then 14-year Republican incumbent Ramone resulted with the margin so narrow that Delaware law dictated a recount which found a final 41 vote difference between the candidates.

“I am excited to announce my candidacy for the 21st district in 2024. The voters in our district deserve a representative who both provides great constituent services and acts in Dover in a manner that truly represents the district’s values” said Burns “Mike Ramone’s recent acts holding the needed bond bill hostage in order to pass a bill in the house giving corporations and LLCs a vote in elections is just the latest example of how out of synch his actions as a legislator are with the values and needs of 21st district residents”

Frank Burns is a scientist, father, and business owner who resides in the Roseville Park development.  A former professor and director of molecular pathology and onco-cytogenetics at Thomas Jefferson Medical school he now runs a small bio-tech company (BioPrimate) focused on beneficial microbes. He is an active member of the Delaware BioScience Association (Delaware Bio) which promotes Delaware’s public and economic health, advocating for Delaware’s biopharmaceutical industry, research, healthcare, and academic institutions. Frank is also active in his church and currently serves on the board of directors for the Unitarian Universalist Society of Mill Creek.

Wow.  I’m gonna start my countdown of the 10 highest legislative priorities for progressives in Delaware next week.  SPOILER ALERT: This race was near the top even before Frank Burns announced his candidacy.  Hey, if Ramone runs again, it will give something for Ex-Speaker Pete to do in his dotage–campaign against yet another Democrat.  Although it looks like he’ll have his hands full in his own district.

Newly-announced candidate Marty Rendon is everything that Popgun Pete is not. Check out his website:

Just…WOW!  A great day to be a progressive in Delaware.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    It looks like Ramone has been out registering voters. The 21st had 5,166 R’s in January and has 6,642 now. That might just be Llcs.

  2. Jean says:

    Not to pop-poo frank out of the gate, but his CV makes him look more like a stakeholder than Shane or Madinah. Has he been vetted by WFP?

    • Have you checked out Sen. Russ Huxtable’s background? Have you checked out how he voted? Do you realize that Huxtable won a seat that the Rethugs had held in Suxco for something like 12 years? AFTER having won a D primary?

      Rendon reminds me of Huxtable, and would likely share similar priorities. Oh, and did you know that virtually ALL of Speaker Pete’s district is in Huxtable’s senate district?

      I know it hasn’t occurred to you, but I believe Pete is the outlier here, not Rendon. This district has become much more progressive, and only Pete’s support for equal rights for gays has kept him in office.

      Oh, wait, you’re talking about Frank? The guy who came within 41 votes of knocking off Ramone LAST time. In an off-year election?

      All I can say is, “Whatever”. Sometimes, you make no sense.

      • Joe Connor says:

        “Sometimes” 🙂

      • Jean says:

        I know im a jaded old crank, but generally when I see someone with that kind of background I take pause. Northern NCCO is full of those types that talk the talk but side with business interests when push comes to shove. It’s not my district, so I’ll reserve final judgement until he’s elected and casting votes.

    • Alby says:

      The guy who killed Dracula was a stakeholder, too.

    • Jason330 says:


      Classic. You could teach a masters level class on concern trolling.

    • Frank Burns says:

      Hi Jean,
      I was endorsed by WFP in my 2022 run.

    • Michael Smith says:

      Michael Smith get a better alias

  3. Larry Gelbart says:

    B. j. Honeycutt would be a more formidable candidate than Frank Burns.

  4. AA says:

    I hear there is another democratic candidate running in that primary against Frank Burns as well, and if it’s true, this candidate would very well cause some trouble

    • Maybe. But I’ll put my money on the guy who ran a great grassroots campaign although starting late, and who almost knocked off Ramone last time.

      Who, pray tell, might give Burns ‘trouble’? You obviously know the name…if there is one.

      • itk says:

        Michael Smith is a faux-progressive house staffer who has openly been campaigning since before Pistol Pete gave him a job. This carpetbagger has zero shot of winning a general against Ramone, but caucus leadership has zero interest in beating him and love the idea of WFP and progressives having to waste their time on that primary instead of going after leadership allies