Delaware Liberal

Found to be Lacking in Freedom Zeal, MTG Kicked Out of Freedom Caucus – Vows to Create Super Double Plus Freedom Caucus With 100% More Freedom Zeal Than Other Freedom Caucus

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is no longer enough of a hardline right-wing lawmaker for the House Freedom Caucus.

Freedom Caucus Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) tells Politico reporter Olivia Beavers that it’s his “understanding” that Greene is no longer a member of the caucus after it took a secret vote on her expulsion last month.

Beavers says that Harris also “called it ‘an appropriate action,’ and cited her debt deal vote, support of McCarthy, and criticism of other HFC [Republicans.'”

The expulsion of Greene from the Freedom Caucus marks quite the falling out for the Trump-loving Georgia Republican, who gained notoriety early in her career for pushing the bogus QAnon conspiracy theory, as well as pushing theories that the Rothschild family funded space lasers that were being used to deliberately set California forests ablaze.

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