This Hilarious Headline is From Politico, Not The Onion

Filed in National by on July 6, 2023

Florida GOP will require DeSantis, Trump to sign loyalty pledge to make primary ballot

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump are finding that the price to make the 2024 Florida primary ballot is going up.

All GOP candidates will have to pledge their loyalty to the eventual Republican nominee to make the March 19 primary, a contest that could tip the balance of the crowded race since Florida’s contest is a winner-take-all primary.

This is a significant change from 2015, when multiple candidates — including two from Florida — were running for president.

The Republican Party of Florida approved the change at its executive board meeting held in mid-May and included the new provisions in an updated version of its bylaws that it filed with state election officials but have not been widely distributed.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Doesn’t require Nostradamus, or even the Amazing Kreskin, to foresee them signing the pledge and then one not honoring it.

    BTW, whatever happened to ESP and ‘seers’? It/they used to dominate the supermarket tabloids.

  2. Another Mike says:

    Trump stiffed contractors to the tune of nearly $70 million for their work on the Taj Mahal in AC. So I’m sure he’ll be real committed to this.

    • Alby says:

      The biggest mystery about Trump is why, given all the people he’s fucked over, nobody has shot him. I’m not talking about assassination, I’m talking revenge by somebody he stiffed. There would be hundreds of possible suspects.