DL Open Thread Monday July 10 2023

Filed in National by on July 10, 2023

It Rained Yesterday

Weather seems bad.  Nobody is really doing anything about the world burning up, so I keep looking for insurance stories.  If reality is going to be reflected anywhere, it must be there.  Here is a story from USA about our “above-average” Atlantic hurricane season without mentioning “climate” or “change”

Five weeks into hurricane season, hurricane researchers at Colorado State University (CSU) have increased their forecast and are now calling for an “above-average” Atlantic hurricane season.

Due to record warm sea surface temperatures in most of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic, the CSU team now predicts 18 named storms, nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes of Category 3 to 5 with winds of 111 mps or greater.

The updated CSU forecast is in line with the upper range of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlantic hurricane season forecast of 12 to 17 named storms, with five to nine hurricanes and one to four major hurricanes.


DeSantis Good News: campaign says he raised $20M since launching presidential bid weeks ago

DeSantis Bad News: It was from 3 donors.


NATO Allies want Ukraine in the Club

When the shooting eventually stops, NATO allies will actually have to choose: Is Ukraine in or out? That’s the moment that will truly test the alliance’s unity.

Kyiv wants to join NATO as soon as hostilities are over and has advocated for the alliance to put Ukraine on a concrete path to membership in the meantime. It argues the promise would help the war effort now, leaving no room for Russia to think it can cleave Ukraine from the West.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Much prefer Ukraine in NATO, we’ve already played the nuclear response game from Putin, put an end to it and let Ukraine join.

  2. Paul says:

    I attended all two hours of the benefits of state employee committee today, as a member of Rise. . All two hours, groan. But Rep Oberle was very good, often referring to a moral dimension of the “contract” between delaware state employees and the state re:healthcare benefits. At least the committee entertained a “moral” dimension to the question of whether or not hang seniors out to dry in Delaware. Geisenberger is a terrible representative of Delaware Democratic politics. He animates a truly Rethuglican approach to governance: everything by lowest common denominator. Two Democratic administrations, 16 years of Geisenberger. Ugh! I join RISE Delaware in support of ethical treatment of State of Delware Retirees, in my case, public school teachers.